Import foreign goods to eat, 7 thousand per cent profit Nepali companies READ MORE NEWS
8:23 PMAt that same goods company operating kharcabaheka 7 thousand percent increased selling prices appears to have been. According to customs officials is not only illegal, it is very black. For, the law requires that such goods to more than 20 percent profit plus pricing possible.
This kind of pricing is evident, the company that is less than the customs value is declared by the Kingdom of cheating that threatens to rob the consumer. Bentle an example, according to customs officials at customs import price declared itself to abuse found in the law are more profit trend has become the business of reimbursing black peak.
Government monitoring of importers bentle extreme black diffused it is simply a legal way to control. That is, the government and buy such goods. While monitoring the price and the sale price declared bentlele unnatural diffused he brought a few things the government has purchased.
More than 20 percent of any other material gain eat black entrepreneurs have filed a law that the government take action against extreme price he sold himself to buy the goods clear the government had decided to be taken.
Buying, and declared customs value is very different diffused bentleka goods bought by the government, the Customs Department Director General, Shishir Kumar Ganesh said Wednesday. According to the customs bentlele announced Rs 12 million worth of various goods minimum of 48 million rupees after preliminary official assessment of the consumer nathagiun that it has been decided to buy himself. In today's Daily News Citizen.Leather shoes and goods popular international company it is the authorized distributor outlets bentleko Nepal Rs 4 thousand 6 hundred rupees a bag, since the price of that company had in customs offices announced Rs 64