- 9:40 PM
- 9:21 PM
Battho Manche new episode is very good to watch. It has a girl in lead role and she is beautiful with mind. Two men try to ask some questions to test her knowledge but she tricks to answer their questions. This is the brand new nepali comedy clip on youtube. The comedy series in the name Battho Manchhe is uploaded regularly by tv nepali. Actually Battho Manchhe is the term taken from Nepali language which means the man who is clever. But, this comedy clip is satirical to those who consider themselves as the Battho Manchhe. In this series of Battho Manchhe, the author wants to show that the socalled clever man actually is not clever enough but people feels irritated and agree to told him Battho Manchhe. The all rights reserved to tvnepali. Reuploading and reproduction is strictly forbidden. Embedding in websites will be heartily welcome. Please like, comment and share videos
- 9:03 PM
With such a variety of banks, money related foundations and loaning firms offering advances, one can undoubtedly profit an advance in the event that he is prepared to place a security against the credit sum. Anyway profiting an advance at low investment rate is not that simple. In the event that you are searching for a low investment advance and are prepared to place an insurance then shabby mortgage holder credit are best for you.
ABOUT Shabby Mortgage holder Credits
Shabby mortgage holder credits are secured advances. To benefit it, you will need to place your home as insurance with the moneylender. This helps you to benefit modest property holder credits at low investment rate and with adaptable reimbursement length of time.
Sum AND Investment
The advance sum that can be profited with shabby mortgage holder credits ranges from £5000-£25000. This sum relies on different elements like reimbursement capacity of the borrower, credit status, bank points of interest and so on. Additionally you can benefit substantial measure of cash by setting beneficial insurance. The reimbursement span of shabby mortgage holder advances is extremely adaptable. You can profit it for a period going from 5-25 years. You can pick longer period for reimbursement of advances to bring down the regularly scheduled payment. Modest property holder advances convey low investment rate contrasted with different credits. Moneylenders progress shabby property holder advance at low premium rate in light of the fact that they are guaranteed about their cash as insurance.
Shoddy Mortgage holder Credits
Shoddy mortgage holder credits offer an extent of points of interest. Shabby property holder credit convey low investment rate and adaptable reimbursement choice. It is interested in both great credit borrowers and terrible credit borrowers. An individual experiencing terrible record as a consumer can benefit all the profits of modest mortgage holder advances. Additionally in the event that you are confronting unfulfilled obligations, defaults, CCJ, IVA and so on you can benefit modest mortgage holder credits. Loan specialists disregard the terrible credit status of the borrower in light of the fact that insurance is included. Shabby mortgage holder advances are accessible both through physical and online accessibility. In the event that you need to benefit shoddy property holder credit earnestly, you ought to select online system in light of the fact that online technique is quicker and bother free.
Shoddy Mortgage holder Credits: Proposals
Make a point to pay the advance portions on due time in light of the fact that moneylenders can take ownership of our property if there should be an occurrence of non-installment. Perused all the terms and states of the credit understanding precisely in light of the fact that it, may
ABOUT Shabby Mortgage holder Credits
Shabby mortgage holder credits are secured advances. To benefit it, you will need to place your home as insurance with the moneylender. This helps you to benefit modest property holder credits at low investment rate and with adaptable reimbursement length of time.
Sum AND Investment
The advance sum that can be profited with shabby mortgage holder credits ranges from £5000-£25000. This sum relies on different elements like reimbursement capacity of the borrower, credit status, bank points of interest and so on. Additionally you can benefit substantial measure of cash by setting beneficial insurance. The reimbursement span of shabby mortgage holder advances is extremely adaptable. You can profit it for a period going from 5-25 years. You can pick longer period for reimbursement of advances to bring down the regularly scheduled payment. Modest property holder advances convey low investment rate contrasted with different credits. Moneylenders progress shabby property holder advance at low premium rate in light of the fact that they are guaranteed about their cash as insurance.
Shoddy Mortgage holder Credits
Shoddy mortgage holder credits offer an extent of points of interest. Shabby property holder credit convey low investment rate and adaptable reimbursement choice. It is interested in both great credit borrowers and terrible credit borrowers. An individual experiencing terrible record as a consumer can benefit all the profits of modest mortgage holder advances. Additionally in the event that you are confronting unfulfilled obligations, defaults, CCJ, IVA and so on you can benefit modest mortgage holder credits. Loan specialists disregard the terrible credit status of the borrower in light of the fact that insurance is included. Shabby mortgage holder advances are accessible both through physical and online accessibility. In the event that you need to benefit shoddy property holder credit earnestly, you ought to select online system in light of the fact that online technique is quicker and bother free.
Shoddy Mortgage holder Credits: Proposals
Make a point to pay the advance portions on due time in light of the fact that moneylenders can take ownership of our property if there should be an occurrence of non-installment. Perused all the terms and states of the credit understanding precisely in light of the fact that it, may
- 8:24 PM
एजेन्सी । बेलका पत्रलाई साक्षात शिव भगवानका रुपमा लिइन्छ । शिवपुराणमा उल्लेख भए अनुसार बेलको बोटको फेदमा सबै तर्थिस्थानहरु हुन्छन् ।
त्यसैले पनि बेलको रुखको पुजाका विषयमा धार्मिक कारण मात्रै नभई कैयन बैज्ञानिक कारणहरु पनि जोडीएका छन् ।
यस्ता छन् बेलको रुखसँग जोडीएका धार्मिक र आर्युवेदक कारणहरु :
शिवपुराणका अनुसार शिवलिंगमा हरेक दिन बेलपत्र चढाएर पुजा गरेको खण्डमा हरेक गरिवीबाट टाढा बच्न सकिन्छ । त्यस्तै मानिसले सबै सुख सुबिधा प्राप्त गर्न सक्नेछन् ।
साउनमा बेलको रुख रोपेको खण्डमा अथवा त्यो सम्भव नभए एक वर्षसम्म श्री सुक्तको पाठ लगाएको खण्डमा नियमित धन प्राप्त हुन्छ भन्ने विश्वास गरिन्छ ।
बेलको रुखको तल रहेको शिवलिगंको पुजा गरेको खण्डमा सबै मनोकाक्षां पुरा हुन्छ ।
बेलका पत्रले शिव भगवानको पुजा आरधाना गरेमा सबै पाप पखालिन्छ भन्ने विश्वास छ ।
बेलका पत्र खानाले ग्याष्ट्रिक, पाचन शक्तिमा बृद्धि, पित्त थैलीमा देखिने असर लगायतका समस्याहरुबाट मुक्त हुन सकिन्छ ।
- 7:52 PM
काठमाडौँ , संसारमा ५ हजार बर्ष पुरानो औषधि मानिने घ्युकुमारी लाई सर्बो औषधिको रुपमा पनि लिने गरिन्छ । जसको प्रयोग बाट गर्मीजन्य रोगबाट मुक्ति पनि मिल्दछ । संसार भरमा घ्युकुमारीको झन्डै २ सय ५० प्रजाति पाइने गर्दछ । त्यस मध्य बार्बाडेन्सीस लाई सबैभन्दा प्रभावशाली प्रजातीको घ्युकुमारी मानिन्छ । मानब शरीरको विकासका लागि आवश्यक २१ वटा एमिनो एसिड मध्य १८ वटा एमिनो एसिड घ्युकुमारीमा पाइने गर्दछ ।
घ्युकुमारीको जुसमा क्याल्सियम, सोडियम, आइरन, पोटासियम, क्रोमियम, मैगनीज, ताम्बा जस्ता खनिज पदार्थ पाइन्छ । घ्युकुमारीमा १८ धातु, १५ एमिनो एसिड, र १२ थरीका भिटामिन पाइन्छ । घ्युकुमारीको प्रयोगले हाम्रो शरिरमा रगतको मात्राको कमीलाई कम गर्नुका साथै शरिरमा प्रतिरोधी क्षमतामा बृद्धी गर्छ ।
घ्युकुमारीको जुस पेटको रोगलाई फाइदा पुर्याउँछ ।गर्मीका कारण हुने विभिन्न खाले पेटका समस्याबाट समेत यसले मुक्ति दिने गर्दछ । घ्युकुमारीको जुस नियमित सेवन गर्नाले पेटको सम्पूर्ण विकार पदार्थ बाहिर निस्किने गर्छन् । घ्युकुमारीको जुसले रगतको सञ्चालनलाई ठिक पर्नुका साथै रक्त चापका रोगीलाई पनि निकै फाइदा पुर्याउँछ । यसैगरी मुटुका रोगका बिरामीका लागि पनि यो निकै उपयोगी हुन्छ ।
घ्युकुमारीको जुसमा क्याल्सियम, सोडियम, आइरन, पोटासियम, क्रोमियम, मैगनीज, ताम्बा जस्ता खनिज पदार्थ पाइन्छ । घ्युकुमारीमा १८ धातु, १५ एमिनो एसिड, र १२ थरीका भिटामिन पाइन्छ । घ्युकुमारीको प्रयोगले हाम्रो शरिरमा रगतको मात्राको कमीलाई कम गर्नुका साथै शरिरमा प्रतिरोधी क्षमतामा बृद्धी गर्छ ।
घ्युकुमारीको जुस पेटको रोगलाई फाइदा पुर्याउँछ ।गर्मीका कारण हुने विभिन्न खाले पेटका समस्याबाट समेत यसले मुक्ति दिने गर्दछ । घ्युकुमारीको जुस नियमित सेवन गर्नाले पेटको सम्पूर्ण विकार पदार्थ बाहिर निस्किने गर्छन् । घ्युकुमारीको जुसले रगतको सञ्चालनलाई ठिक पर्नुका साथै रक्त चापका रोगीलाई पनि निकै फाइदा पुर्याउँछ । यसैगरी मुटुका रोगका बिरामीका लागि पनि यो निकै उपयोगी हुन्छ ।
- 7:44 PM
- 7:39 PM
The World War I and II saw the destruction of humanity that took lives of many people. The year 1945 August, during the final stage of the Second World War, the United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki . The two bombings, took the lives of at least 129,000 people, remain the only use of nuclear weapons for warfare in history. The August 6th is remembered every day for those whose innocent lives are ended. Thursday marks 70 years to the day since the United States dropped the world’s first atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Three days later it dropped a second on the city of Nagasaki. The devastation is widely believed to have brought an abrupt end to World War Two – with Japan’s surrender. But what about the appalling human cost of the bombing? Rupert Wingfield-Hayes reports from Hiroshima. The incident of atomic bombing horrified the world and the human for their lives. Even in the present the surviving family members eventually remembered the day when hundreds of thousands died. Injured people were asking for water. But we were told not to give water because they would die after the first sip, which was true. Survivors remembered how brutal and gruesome was the period when people were dying. While the disaster’s immediate aftermath was equally fraught, a general sentiment prevailed that the challenges unfolding were preferable to being at war, according to Mrs Nakabushi. The people suffered through sad and harsh experiences. Despite all the distress, they were sure it wasn’t just them that thought, ’It’s better than war.’ For Mrs Nakabushi, the bombing – and the loss of her mother – dictated the course of her life, as was the case for thousands of traumatised hibakusha. She sees herself as one of the lucky ones: after living in Hiroshima with her father and stepmother, she married her university academic husband and moved to Osaka at the age of 25, before having three children, now in their forties. For in addition to the injuries and stress, many survivors – and later, their children – were stigmatised and rejected by Japan’s deeply homogenous society as a result of their experiences. Women suffered rejection from marriage partners fearful that they would not produce healthy babies, while employers also discriminated against hibakusha, making it difficult for them to return to the workforce. The radiation exposure has clearly not disappeared – as alarmingly reflected in the aftermath of the 2011 Fukushima crisis, when local residents were reportedly shunned from clinics and refugee camps for fear of “contaminating” others. -
- 6:33 PM
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- 6:16 PM
KATHMANDU: Nepal’s embattled Prime Minister K P Oli resigned ahead of a no-confidence vote, plunging the country into a fresh political turmoil after last year’s crippling Madhesi protests against the new Constitution.Mr Oli, who became prime minister last October heading Nepal’s eighth government in the past 10 years, has been facing a no-trust motion after the Maoists withdrew support from the coalition government.Mr Oli tendered his resignation after two key ruling alliance partners — Madhesi People’s Rights Forum-Democratic and Rastriya Prajatantra Party — decided to support the no-confidence motion tabled against him by the Nepali Congress (NC) and the CPN-Maoist Centre led by Prachanda.They had accused Mr Oli of not honouring his past commitments Addressing the parliament on the no-confidence motion, Mr Oli said that he came to power nine months ago when the country was in a grave crisis and was “sad” that the government was changing at a time when it is overcoming the hindrances following last year’s deadly earthquakes that killed nearly 9,000 people. “The game for a change in the government at this time is mysterious,” 64-year-old Communist leader said, adding he was punished for doing good work
- 6:13 PM
Posted by Anup Baral August 1st, 2016 :
Watch Daily Rasifal Video: Find out where the planets are today! Watch Today's Daily Horoscopes published in Image Tv. This Video will Forecast your yearly planetary movements that affect your life. Your Daily Forecast can predict: A Horoscope is a person's Birth Chart or Natal Chart. The construction of the horoscope is based on the Ptolemaic system, in which the earth is stationary. Mesh Rashi-persons of this sign are solitary by nature; they have smiling faces and are less spoken and polite to others. Vrisha Rashi-people under this sign eldom lose temper, but when they do so they don't care for the repercussions also they love music and adore jewellery and fine clothes.
Checks us Everyday to know your Daily Horoscopes.
Monday is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is said that Lord Shiva is easily pleased. Therefore many people observe Upvaas on Monday. Those devotees observing fast only eat food once. People visit Lord Shiva shrines and conduct pujas, especially, Ardhanarishwara puja. The mantra ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ is chan ted continuously. Siva devotees also read Shiva Purana. Unmarried women observe the Vrat to get good husbands. Others observe it for a happy and prosperous family life.
Watch Daily Rasifal Video: Find out where the planets are today! Watch Today's Daily Horoscopes published in Image Tv. This Video will Forecast your yearly planetary movements that affect your life. Your Daily Forecast can predict: A Horoscope is a person's Birth Chart or Natal Chart. The construction of the horoscope is based on the Ptolemaic system, in which the earth is stationary. Mesh Rashi-persons of this sign are solitary by nature; they have smiling faces and are less spoken and polite to others. Vrisha Rashi-people under this sign eldom lose temper, but when they do so they don't care for the repercussions also they love music and adore jewellery and fine clothes.
Checks us Everyday to know your Daily Horoscopes.
Monday is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is said that Lord Shiva is easily pleased. Therefore many people observe Upvaas on Monday. Those devotees observing fast only eat food once. People visit Lord Shiva shrines and conduct pujas, especially, Ardhanarishwara puja. The mantra ‘Om Namah Shivaya’ is chan ted continuously. Siva devotees also read Shiva Purana. Unmarried women observe the Vrat to get good husbands. Others observe it for a happy and prosperous family life.
- 6:11 PM
In Nepal, the modeling profession began a very long time ago when Filmmaking started in the 1960s. Later, it was greatly supported through several other platforms like Miss Nepal from 1994 A.D which brought a bit more professionalism in the modeling career. Models are featured in a variety of media through books, magazines, movies, newspapers, television, blogs, videos etc. To be a model it is vital that both male and female models must possess clear skin, healthy natural hair, a well maintained physique, slim (for females) / muscular (for males) body and attractive facial features. Stringent weight and body proportion guidelines form a selective criteria for the selection of deserving models in this field.While going through the modeling profession, glamour takes a major role in in this field as most public seek for sexiness in models. This helps promote the models even more among fans. Glamour is all about the attitude, eroticism, mood, and expressions which a model carries out in a sexy way without looking vulgar. The most important requirement for a glamour picture is the expression of the eyes and lips of the model. This enhances the beauty of the picture and creates a mood according to the theme of the photography.Nowadays, the modeling profession has built up in the media and among the local people as well. Just like the other countries, Nepal is also growing in its fashion glamour field. Those interested in enhancing their sexiness through glamour are given more opportunities from different websites all over the world for modeling.Here is the list of the top five major glamour websites in Nepal that are popular on facebook as well
- 6:08 PM
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- 6:02 PM
Announcement of making a movie “NIRBHAYA” by director Madhusudan Bhattarai was done in a program where the leader of political party “Congress” was present as the chief guest. In the program, actor Nikhil Upreti was kept Tika in his forehead by actress Nita Dhungana after worshipping the camera. This was celebrated as a festival “Bhaitika” that is when sister worships and prays for the long life of her bother. Forehead of both the actors were full of color. Shooting of this movie will get started from 16th Jestha in the presentation of Prasiddhi Cine Arts with the target to get released in the month of Mangsir. The main leads in the movie are Nikhil Upreti, Nita Dhungana, Sushil Pokharel and Prajjwal Giri. The movie produced by Devi Prasad Pandey includes Yam Thapa as the story writer, Ramsaran Upreti as the cameraman, Ramji Lamichane as the choreographer, Himal K.C. as the action director and Arjun Pokharel and Tara Prakash Limbu as the music directors.
- 5:44 PM
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- 10:43 PM

“नानी एक्लै जाँदैछेस्…! बाटोमा अलिख चनाखो हुनु…। आइमाई भएको सिट मिलाएर बस्नु है, लामो बाटो छ…।” म हिँड्ने बेलामा आमाले नारी हुनुको कमजोरी अथवा भनौ आमा हुनुको स्वाभविक गुण देखाउदैँ मलाई ममत्व पस्कनु भयो । उहाँका आँखाबाट पुर्लुक्क आँशु झरे । मलाई यो नारीको कमजोरीपना त्यति उचित लागेन । त्यसैले मैले पनि नारी गुण देखाएर आमाको सार मिलाउनुको सट्टा नदेखेजस्तो गरेर टारेँ । काम विशेषले म काठमाडौँबाट विराटनगर जानुपर्ने थियो । घरमा बूढा भईसक्नुभएका आमा-बुबामात्र हुनुहुन्थ्यो । दाजुभाइहरू सबै परदेशमै थिए । त्यसैले मेरो सहयोगी कोही पनि थिएनन् । अर्कोतिर मैले आˆनो सक्षमताको परिचय दिनु पनि थियो । त्यसकारण मैले मेरो यात्रा एक्लै नै गर्नुपर्ने थियो । आमा-बुबाको दृष्टिमा त म कमजोर नारीकै रूपमा गनिन्थेँ । त्यसैले पनि सुरक्षा र सजिलोको दृष्टिले मलाई दिउँसोको बसमा जाने सल्लाह दिनुभयो । म आफ्नो सामान बोकेर हिडेँ । बस स्टेण्डमा पुगेर टिकट काटेँ । विद्यार्थी सहुलियत भाडा दिएपछि मलाई चौध नं.को सिट देखाइदियो । सहुलियत दर भाडा वा रोजिएको अगाडिको सिट दुबैमा मैले एकलाई चुन्नु थियो । मैले सोचेँ- “आखिर गाडि एउटै त हो नि…अगाडि बसे पनि पछाडि बसे पनि के को फिक्री ?” गाडीमा चढेँ । दाहिनेपट्ट िझ्यालको सिट चौध नंको रहेछ । आˆनो सामान त्यही सिटमुनिहालेँ, केही माथी छज्जीमा राखेँ । मनमा कौतूहल जाग्यो- “अर्कौ खाली सीट कसको होला ? आइमाई होला कि लोग्नेमान्छे ? तरुनी वा तन्नेरी नै होलान कि बुढाबुढी ? तल्लो स्तरका भुत्रे झामे्र काम गर्ने ढाक्रे खालका होलान कि उच्च स्तरका स्मार्ट…? म सोच्दै बसेँ …। यो सीटमा कुनै आकर्षक युवक परे पनि लामो र पट्यारलाग्दो यात्रा सजिलै कट्थ्यो” भन्ने मिठो कल्पना गर्न थालँे । अनि हिँड्ने बेलामा आमाले “आइमाई भएको सिट मिलाएर बस्नु है” भन्ने सम्झिएँ । अनि आमाको त्यस वाक्यप्रति उपेक्षित हाँसो हाँसे । किनकि कुनै तन्नेरी युवकसँगको सामिप्यतामा गरिने यात्राको मज्जा बिचरा मेरी बूढी आमालाई के थाहा र.. । गाडीमा चढने प्रत्येक व्यक्तिलाई म कौतूहलपूर्ण रूपले हेर्ने गर्थेँ । कतै यही त हैन मेरो सिटपार्टनर…। हमसफर…। सहयात्री…। अरू सिट एकाएक गर्दै भरिन लाग्यो, तर धेरै समयसम्म पनि मेरो सिटमा दाबी गर्न कोही पनि आएनन् । केही क्षणपछि एउटा झुत्रे..काम गरेर खाने जस्तो..सोझो..झुस्स दाह्री जुँगा भएको व्यक्ति नजिकै आएर “पन्द्र नंको सिट यही हैन” भन्यो ? मैले उसको हुलिया र स्थितिप्रति उपेक्षित भावले नाक खुम्चाउँदै आफू सभ्य हुनुको परिचय दिँदै “हो” भन्ने जवाफ दिएँ । मेरो भित्री आकाङ्क्षा र चाहना सबै चकनाचुर भयो । कहाँ स्मार्ट युवकको प्रतिक्षा गरिरहेकी म त्यस्तो झुत्रे झ्याउरेसँग यति लामो यात्रा गनुपर्ने…। कसरी दिनभरीको यात्रा यस्तो व्यक्तिसँग बसेर काटौं… । क्या बोर…। म छट्पट्टएि…। निस्सासिएँ…। बस्न नदिउँ भने ऊ उसको सिट दाबी गर्न आइरहेको छ…। दिउँ भने…उफ…!! मैले अगाडि पछाडि सबैतिर हेरेँ । सायद कसैले पनि मेरो छटपंटिलाई बुझिरहेको थिएनन् । ठीक मेरो अगाडिको दुवै सिट खाली थियो । अैलेसम्म पनि त्यो सिटमा बस्ने कोही आएका थिएनन् । सायद यो खाली नै होला भन्ने ठानेँ र जुरुक्क उठेँ अनि “तपाई बस्नु है” भनेर अघिल्लो सिटमा गएर बसेँ । त्यो बाह्र नंको सिट रहेछ । मैले झसङ्ग आमाले भनेको संझिए । “भरसक झ्याल र आठ बाह्र नंको सिट नपार्नु है । फाप्दैन…।” तर म त घुमीफिरी बाह्र नंको सिटमा नै पो परेछु…। हुनत मजस्तो पढेलेखेको मान्छेले र आज एक्काइसौँ शताब्दीमा आएर पनि यस्तो अन्धविश्वास गर्न नचाहे पनि परम्परागत संस्कारमा हुर्किएको मेरो मनले सोच्यो- “कतै बाह्र नं. सिट साँच्चै नै नफाप्ने पो हो कि…? अब फापे नफापेको प्रमाण त मेरो सिट पार्टनरको रूपमा आउने यात्रीले गर्छ । यदि मेरो भित्री चाहना अनुरूपको यात्री पर्यो भने फापेको मान्नुपर्ला…। नत्र नफापेको…।” मलाई अर्को डरपनि थियो कतै यो सिट दाबी गर्ने कोही त आउँदैन ? यो सिट खाली नै छ भन्ने निश्चित पनि त थिएन । म झयालबाट बाहिर देखिने क्रियाकलापहरू हेरिहरेकी थिएँ । ड्राइभर, खलासी, कण्डक्टरहरू नजिकैको पसलमा चिया खाइरहेका थिए । कुल्लीहरू/भरियाहरू गाडीमा सामान लोड गरिरहेका थिए । बाहिर चोकमा कतिपय मान्छेहरू आफन्तलाई गाडी चढाउन आएका र बिदाईका हात हल्लाउँदै गाडी हिँड्ने प्रतीक्षामा उभिइरहेका थिए । साना केटाहरू पत्रिका बेच्न कराइरहेका थिए । सडकमा राजधानीबाट बाहिर जाने गाडीहरू ध्र्यार-ध्र्यार गरिरहेका थिए । खलासी र टिकट दलालहरू सम्बन्धित ठाउँको नाम लिएर यात्रुहरू डाकिरहेका थिए । धरान-धरान, विराटनगार-विराटनगर, काँकडभिट्टा-काँकडभिट्टा आदि । “एक्सक्युज मी” बाह्र नं. सिट त मेरो थियो । एउटा पुरुष स्वरले मेरो छेउमा पुकार्यो । म झसङ्ग भए । किन कि बाह्र नं सिटमा त म बसिसकी थिएँ र कोही यो सिटको हकदाबी गर्न आइरहेको थियो । मलाई के गरौँ कसो गरौँ भयो । हुन त एघार नं.को सीट पनि खाली नै थियो । तर म त्यता बस्न चाहन्नथेँ । किनकि उभिएका मान्छे वा लोकल यात्रीहरू अथवा कन्डक्टरहरू आˆनो जीउ दराल्दै हिँडेको अनि उभिने बहानामा बस्नेसँग त्यसमा पनि केटीसँग ढेसिएको मलाई पटक्कै मन पर्दैनथ्यो । त्यसैले झ्यालपट्ट िबस्न मलाई मनपर्थ्यो र आफूलाई सुरक्षित ठान्थेँ । मैले खाली भएको सिटपट्टी इशारा गर्दै भने- “म झ्यालतिर बस्छु…। तपाई यता बस्नुस् न हुँदैन र ?” यति भन्दै मैले उसको अनुहार हेरेँ । अहँ ऊ मेरो चहानानुरूपको आकर्षक रूप रङको स्मार्ट पटक्कै थिएन । मलाई झनक्क रिस उठयो ऊप्रति…। किन र के कारणले रिस उठयो त्यो मलाई थाहा थिएन । तर रिस उठनुपर्ने वास्तविक कारण त्यही मान्छे, जुन मेरो चहानानुरूपको नहुनु नै थियो सायद…। उसको कुनै प्रतक्ष दोष थिएन । थियो केवल मेरो कल्पना र मनले सोचेजस्तो सुन्दर नहुनु मात्र । हुन त मेरो भित्री इच्छा पनि सिट पार्टनर कुनै पुरुषको नै अपेक्षा थियो र ऊ पनि पुरुष नै थियो । एकप्रकारले त मेरो आकाँक्षा पूरा नै भएको थियो । तर यहाँ त समस्या झन खडा भयो पुरुष त पर्यो तर चाहनानुरुपको आकर्षक र राम्रो परेन । “कस्तो अनुहारपनि नपरेको मान्छे…। त्यसमा पनि कालो चस्मा लगाएको…। हेर्दा गुण्डाजस्तो…। हैन, अनुहारपनि हुनुपर्छ नि गगल्स लगाउनलाई त…। सुहाओस नसुहाओस् । केटीलाई चिहाई चिहाई हेर्न लगाएको होला नि…।” एक्कासी मनमनै आक्रोस पोखेँ । “अब यति राम्री, जवान केटीसँग ढेसिएर, एकै सिटमा यात्रा गर्न पाउँदा त मख्ख पर्यो होला नि ! फेरी कहाँको पात्ले घारीमा जुका टिप्दै भेडा हेर्नेको छ जस्तो रूपरङ र हुलिया पनि । खुबै कति न शिक्षित र पढेलेखेको भएजस्तो गरेर अँगे्रजी बोल्छ- “एक्स्क्युज मी” त्यसको अर्थ त थाहा छैन होला त्यसलाई…।” अझै रिस मरेन मेरो । मैले मनमनै त्यो मान्छेलाई थुप्रै गाली गरेँ…। ममा रूपको घमण्ड थियो । सायद त्यसैले होला म नराम्रो मान्छेलाई घृणा गर्दथेँ । आफूजस्तै राम्रो मान्छेसँगमात्र बिहे गर्छु भन्ने भित्री आकाङ्क्षा थियो । त्यसैले त अहिले पच्चिस कट्दा पनि बिहे गरेकी थिइनँ । आफूले खोजेजस्तो सुन्दर नभेटेकोले…। अनि अर्कोकुरा, म नराम्रा मान्छे सबैलाई फटाहा नै ठान्थेँ र उसलाई पनि मैले त्यस्तै ठानेँ । गाडीका सिट लगभग पुरै भरिए । म त्यो मान्छेपट्टी फर्किंदापनि नफर्की, त्यसलाई मजाले हेर्दापनि नहेरी, अर्कोपट्टी फर्केर झ्यालबाट देखिने दृष्यहरूमा भुलिन थालेँ । ऊभने कति न शिक्षित र सभ्य भएजस्तो भएर पत्रिका पढन थाल्यो । अनि सायद मसँग बोल्ने निहुँले होला ‘पढ्ने हो , भनेर मतिर बढायो । मैले समाएँ तर पढने मुढ नै थिएन । शीर्षक पढदै पाना पल्टाउँदै गएँ । गाडी कलंकीबाट गुड्यो र क्रमशः काठमाडौँलाई बाई-बाई गर्दै फुत्त ओरालो लाग्यो । पहाडी क्षेत्रको नागबेली परेको घुमाउरो बाटोहँुदै । म आँखाभरि पारी गाउँका रमाइला र मनोरम दृष्यहरूलाई सँगाल्दै त्यो मान्छेप्रतिको वितृष्णा वा आक्रोश शान्त पार्ने प्रयास गर्दै थिएँ । धार्केमा चियानास्ता खानकोलागि गाडी रोकियो । सबै यात्रुहरू उत्रिए । मेरो सहयात्री पनि तल उत्रियो । मेरो बराबरीको अर्को सिटमा एउटी महिला थिइन् । उनीपनि सायद एक्लै थिइन् । त्यसैले मेरो साथी तल उत्रिएको बेला मैले आफ्नो सँगैको सिटमा तिनै महिलालाई राख्ने विचार गरेँ । म आफ्नो सिट पार्टनरलाई हटाउन चाहन्थेँ । यस्तो मनले नरुचाएको व्यक्तिसँग यात्रा गर्नु भन्दा त बुढी आइमाईसँग बस्नु नै राम्रो…। त्यसैले मैले उनलाई बोलाएँ, “ए दिदी तपाई यहाँ आउनुस न । केटी केटी मान्छे मिलेर बसौँ । यहाँको मान्छेलाई बरु त्यता पठाइदिउँ हुन्न ?” उनले पनि सजिलै भनिन्- “अहँ नाइँ ! म त आउँदिन ..। तपाईं बरु यता आउनुस न…।” उल्टै उनले पो मलाई बोलाइन् । मेरो कुरा उनले सजिलै अस्विकार गरिदिइन् । मलाई ती आइमाईप्रति पनि रिस उठ्यो किनकि मैले सोचे बिपरित उनले नै मलाई पो बोलाइन् । मेरो कुरा त सजिलैसँग इन्कार भएकोमा मैले मनमनै गाली गरेँ …”हेरन ! कस्ती मै हुँ भन्ने रहिछे…। हेर्दा भने कस्ती काँठे छे…। यता आइज न भन्छु, उल्टै म पो उता जानु अरे…। हैन, त्यसले मलाई के सम्झिएकी छ…हँ ? म जान्छु कि केहो ऊ पट्टि…?? त्यससँग निहुरिन जानुभन्दा त बरु यही पाखेसँग बस्नु नै जाति ।” मैले आफूलाई नै जिताउने अठोट गरेँ…। मैले आफैंले प्रर्याप्त खानेकुरा बोकेकी थिएँ । झिकेर खाएँ । बोटलको पानी पिएँ । पुनः यात्रीहरू आ-आफनो ठाँउमा आएर बसे…। मेरो सहयात्री भनाउँदो पनि आएर बस्यो । मैले उसलाई यसो ध्यान दिएँ लगभग ऊ र म सँग सँगैका जस्ता लाग्यो, म पनि बच्ची थिइनँ । छब्बीस टेकिसकेकी थिएँ । सामान्य स्तरको रफ लगाइ र आँखामा कालो चस्मा र नपरेको अनुहार त्यसमा पनि कालो वर्णको । उसको हुलिया देखेर मैले सोचेँ, दिनभरीको जवान केटीसँगको यात्राको फाइदाचाहीँ यसले पक्कै पनि उठाउने नै छ । बरु म उसलाई भाइ भन्ने सम्बोधन गरिदिन्छु । सायद यसो गर्दा त ऊ दिदी माथि केही गर्न सक्दैन वा दिदीप्रति को मर्यादाले मप्रति कुभावना राख्न पनि अलिक आँट आउँदैन कि । कुनै अभद्र व्यवहार गर्दैन कि । म यता यस्तै सोचेर टोल्हाउदै थिएँ । “बहिनी कहाँ जाने ?” उसको एक्कासीको प्रश्नले र त्यसमा पनि बहिनी सम्बोधनले म झसङ्गै भए । म उसलाई “भाइ” बनाउन खोज्दैछु तर उल्टै उसैले पो मलाई बहिनी भनेर सम्बोधन गर्यो । सायद उसले आफ्नो पौरुषत्व देखाएको होला । बहिनी भनेपछि त जे गर्न पनि सकिन्छ भनेर अधिकार देखाउन खोजेको होला नि ! मसँग ढेसिएर बसौँला.., छिल्लिएर जिस्कौं ला, गाडी गुड्दा हल्लिएको बहाना गर्दै बेलाबेलामा मेरो शरीर छुन पाउँला अनि निदाएको बहानामा मेरो काँधमाथि झुलौँला…। म निदाएको बेला सुम्सुम्याउँला…भन्ने सोचेको त होला नि त्यस मोराले…। मेरो मनमा चिसो पस्यो…। मुटु ढक्क भएर फूल्यो…। सम्भावित घटना घटन सक्ने परिकल्पनामा अनेकाँै शङ्का-उपशङ्काहरू रुमल्लिन थाले मष्तिस्कमा । म अब आफू असुरक्षित हुन सक्छु भन्ने शङ्काले झन् सर्तक हुन थालेँ…। वास्तवमा बाह्र नंको सिट फाप्दो रहेनछ त । अपसकुन नै हुदोँरहेछ…। यस्तै यस्तै तर्कना गर्नथालेँ म…। धेरै लोग्ने मान्छेहरू गाडीमा वा अन्य ठाँउमा भएको भीडको फाइदा लिइहाल्छन् । सिटमै बसेको छ भने पनि विभिन्न बहानाले छुन खोज्छन् । हात बाँधेर बस्ने बहानामा केटीका संवेदनशील अंगमा छुन खोज्छन् कोही भने निदाएर र थाहा नपाएको (बहाना) अभिनय गर्दै आफ्नो शरीरलाई लथालिङ्ग छोडिदिन्छन् अनि केटीको काँधमा टाउको बोकाउन पनि पछि पर्दैनन् । उभिएको छ भने पनि जहाँ केटी छ, त्यहीँ नजिक आइपुग्छन् । अनि गाडीको असन्तुलनसँगै आˆनो शरीर पनि असन्तुलन भएको बहाना गर्दै केटीसँग ठोकिन्छन् । यो त उनीहरूको सामान्य प्रयासमात्र हो । लोग्नेमान्छेका यस्ता सस्ता कुप्रवृतिबाट परिचित मपनि उसलाई त्यही प्रवृत्तिकै सोच्न थालेँ । समय दिउँसो भए पनि सिटमा ऊ र म मात्र त थियौँ । लामो दुरीको यात्रामा ऊ पनि निदाएको बहानामा शरीर मलाई बोकाउन सक्छ । अथवा म निदाएको बेलामा उसले मौकाको फाइदा उठाउन सक्छ । हातहरू मेरो शरीरमा ल्याइपुर्याउन सक्छ । जे पनि त हुन सक्छ । यदि यस्तै नै भयो भने..? त्यसले त्यसै गर्यो भने ? अहँ म त कसैगरी पनि निदाउँदिन । म त सिधै कराउँछु । हकार्छु । अनि पछाडि गएर बस्ने धम्की दिन्छु । म भित्रभित्रै निकट भविष्यमा घट्नसक्ने संभावित घटनाकोलागि पूर्व तयारी गर्नथालेँ । अनि अझ खुम्चिएर सानो भएर बसेँ…। म यस्तै यस्तै सोचिरहेकी थिएँ । उसले फेरी सोध्यो- “बैनी ! कहाँ जाने हो ?” “विराटनगर” मैले सटिक उत्तर दिएँ सकभर उसलाई आˆनो सहि परिचय नदिने उद्देश्यले आˆनो ठेगाना भनिन् । “नास्ता खान किन नगएको त ?” उसले सायद मप्रति अपनत्व देखाउँदै सोध्यो । “हैन खानेकुरा मसँगै थियो, यहीँ खाएँ” मैले नचाही नचाही पनि उत्तर दिएँ । “म पनि जनकपुर जान भनेर हिडेको थेँ, फेरि जान मन लागेन…। काँकडभिट्टासम्म जानुपर्ने काम थियो, उतै जान्छु भनेर लागेको…” मैले नसोधिकन नै उसले आˆनो गन्तव्य बतायो । “पुरै यात्राभरि साथ पाउने भइस मोरो ! त्यसैले त निहुँ पारी-पारी बोल्न खोज्दैछस् ।” मैले मनमनै त्यसलाई गाली गरेँ । मैले उसप्रति गहिरो चाख नदेखाएकोले होला सायद, ऊ चुपचापसँग हात बाँधेर बस्यो । मलाई कतै छुइन्छ कि भन्ने सतर्कता अपनाउदैँ । म झयालबाट देखिने बाहिरी दृष्यमा अलमल्लि रहेँ । ऊ चुपचाप भएकोमा मलाई पनि ढुक्क लाग्यो । धादिङ पुगेपछि आˆनै गतिमा गुडिरहेको गाडि घचक्क रोकियो । सबै यात्रुहरूले उत्सुकताबस बाहिर हेरे । खालासीले भन्यो “ल गाडी जाममा परेजस्तो छ ।” मैले पनि झ्यालबाट हेरेँ अगाडीको सडक पुरै गाडी नै गाडी । हल्लखल्ला भयो, “कृष्ण भीरमा पहिरो गएको छ अरे । गाडी जानै सक्दैन…। अब के गर्ने…?” सबैको मुहारमा प्रश्न झल्कियो । मेरो सहयात्रि पनि निकैबेर पछि ब्युँझियो वा त ब्युँझिएको अभिनय गर्यो । “के भयो ?” भन्दै चनाखो भयो । मलाई बोल्न करै लाग्यो- “गाडी जाममा पर्यो अरे ।” अरू यात्रुहरूसँगै ऊपनि तल उत्रियो बस्तुस्थिति बुझ्न । एकछिनपछि तल उत्रिएकाहरूले खबर सुनाउन थाले । ऊ पनि अरूलाई भन्दा खासगरी मलाई खबर सुनाउन आयो । “बाटो नै छैन अरे… गाडी जाने त चान्स नै छैन…। पुरै जाम छ …।” उसले सुनाएको यस कुरालाई चाहिँ मैले राम्रै ध्यान दिएर सुनेँ । किनभने यो त मेरो पनि चासोको विषय थियो । ऊ पुनः उत्रियो…। वातावरण उराठलाग्दो थियो । तल धमिलो त्रिशुली बटारिएर आˆनै गतिमा बगिरहेको थियो । माथि त्रिशुलीको भीरमा कुनै महान व्यक्तिको स्वागतमा पंक्तिबद्ध उभिरहेका स्वागतार्थी जस्ता रंगिचंगि गाडीहरू दोहोरो लाइनमा खडा थिए । मध्यान्हको घाम । त्रिशुलीको खोँच । घामले तात्तिएर चौपट्टै उष्ण गर्मी थियो । गाडीका यात्रुहरूले बोकेको पानी सकिइसकेको थियो । त्रिशुलीको वेगलाई हेरेर तिर्खाएको जिब्रोले ओठ चाट्नुपर्ने अवस्था थियो । किनभने नजिकै बाटामा कतै घरहरू थिएनन । तल हेर्दा कहालीलाग्दो उर्लिएको त्रिशुली । माथी हेर्दा आक्कासिँदो भीर र त्यही भीरको बीचमा भएको बाटोभरि गाडी नै गाडी र मान्छेहरू । खानेकुरा बोकेका यात्रुहरूले आफूसँग भएका खानेकुराहरूले भोक मार्न थाले । नहुनेहरू सन्तोष मानेर निन्द्रासँग भोक साट्ने प्रयास गरिरहेका थिए । सधैँ नौ बजे खाना खाने बानी । आज त बाह्र बजिसकेको थियो । त्यसैले मैले पनि आˆनो सिट पार्टनर नभएको मौका पारेर कुपुकुपु खाएँ आफूले बोकेका खानेकुरा । एकक्षण पछि त ऊ पनि आइपुग्यो । “कस्तो भोक लागिसक्यो…कतै घर पनि छैन…होटलपनि छैन । दोकान भए त चाउचाउ बिस्कुट किनेर खानुहुन्थो नि…केही पनि छैन” भन्दै सिटमा आएर बस्यो । अहिले मैले बाह्र नंको सिटको अपसकुनलाई सम्झिएँ । एक त मनले नरुचाएको साथी पर्नु, अर्को यस्तो जाममा पर्नु, खान नपाउनु…। सबै सम्झिँदा आठ बाह्र नंले पिर्छ भन्ने आमाको मान्यतालाई मैले नचाहँदा नचाहँदै पनि सप्रमाण स्विकार्न पुगेँ । मौकाको फाइदा उठाउन गाडी रोकिएको ठाँउबाट एक दुई कोश वरपरका टुकुरे दोकानका व्यापारीहरू चाउचाउ र बिस्कुटको प्याकेट लिँदै आइपुगे । दशको पन्ध्र भन्दापनि सजिलै बिक्यो उनीहरूको सामान । किनकि काठमाडौँबाट पूर्व लाग्ने सबै गाडी त्यहिँ थुपि्रएका थिए । यात्रुको अनुपातमा त्यो सामान थोरै थियो । फेरि दिउँसो एक बजिसकेको थियो । भोकको अगाडि पन्ध्र रुपियाँ सामान्य नै थियो । एउटा फुच्चेले कार्टुन बोकेर चाउचाउ भन्दै आयो ।झ्यालबाट उसले त्यस केटालाई भित्र आउने इशारा गर्यो तर ऊ आइपुग्दा नपुग्दै अगाडीको यात्रुहरूले कार्टुन रित्याइहाले । मेरो सहयात्री हेरेको हेर्यै भयो । अनि बाध्य भएर धैर्य हुन खोज्यो र कुनै उपाय नभएपछि पुनः सिटमा नै चुपचाप लागेर बस्यो । ठिक्क पर्याे भन्यो मेरो मनले । बाटो यति भीड थियो कि श्वास पनि नछिर्ला जस्तो । तै पनि अलिकति ठाँउ भेट्टायो कि डाइभरले गाडी सुलुत्त निकाली हाल्थो । त्यस्तो सानो बाटो । दुवैपटि गाडी तैपनि प्रतिस्पर्धामा गाडी निकाल्यो अनुभवि डाइभरले । तर आफ्नो भने जिउ नै सिरिङ्ग हुन्यो । अलिकति अगाडी बढेर रोकियो गाडी । त्यहाँ बाटामा दुई चारवटा घर र खुद्रा पसल देखिए । त्यो सबैको आशाको त्यान्द्रो थियो फेरि सबै यात्रुहरूसँग ऊ पनि उत्सुकतावश बाहिर देखिएका घरहरू चियाउन थाल्यो । अनि यसो मपटि ढल्केर उसले आफ्नो पाइन्टको भित्री गोजीबाट एउटा पैसाको बन्डल निकाल्यो र “खुद्रा पैसा पनि बाहिर रहेनछ” भन्दै चार पाँचवटा हजारका र चार पाँचवटा नोट फटाफट निकाल्यो । मैले ध्यान दिएँ, ऊसँग कम्तिमा पनि लाख जति पैसा थियो । बाँकी पैसा पुनः यथास्थानमा राखेर तल उत्रियो । म छक्क परेँ । हेर्दा त्यस्तो खाते जस्तो छ । पाँच रूपैयाँ पनि मागेर पाउला जस्तो छ तर यत्रो पैसा…? मलाई आश्चर्य साथै डर पनि लाग्यो । जनकपुर हिँडेको भन्दै काँकडभिट्टा जान्छु भन्छ । सामान पनि खास केही भएजस्तो लाग्दैन । फेरी गगल्स लगाएर काग जस्तो देखिन्छ । पक्का पनि यो मान्छे गुण्डा हो यता दुइनम्बरी काम गर्ने हो । कि त केटी बेच्ने दलाल पो हो कि…? नत्र किन यसले यत्रो पैसा बोकेको छ ? कहाँबाट ल्याएको होला यत्रो पैसा ? यस्तो खाते जस्तो मान्छेले ?? मलाई त ऊ देखि झन डर लाग्यो । कतै यसले बिभिन्न उपायले, तरिकाले मलाई पनि बेच्न लग्यो भने ? भयंकर शङ्कालु प्रश्न म आफैभित्र उब्जियो । “गाडीमा अपरिचितले दिएको कुनै पनि खानेकुरा नखानु” भन्ने कुरा सम्झेँ । उसले पनि मलाई बाध्यतावश कुनै कुरा झुक्याएर खुवाउन सक्छ । बेहोशीमा ललाएर, फकाएर लैजान र बेच्न पनि त सक्छ । मेरो मुटु झन फूल्यो । ऊ पुनः खिन्न हुँदै आयो र मलाई आफै सुनायो- “पसलमा केही पनि छैन अगाडिका यात्रुहरूले सबै खानेकुरा सकिसकेछन् । मरिने भइयो भोकले ।” उसले भनेको कुरालाई मैले खासै ध्यान दिइनँ । मलाई डर लागेको कुरा वा उसको सत्य पत्ता लगाउने उत्सुकता जागिरहेको थियो । त्यसैले मैले पत्ता लगाउने उद्धेश्यले डराउँदै सोधेँ- “तपाई के काम गर्नु हुन्छ ?” “म एउटा व्यावसायिक संस्थामा काम गर्छु ।” उसले भन्यो । “म त्यसको व्यवस्थापक हुँ । संस्थाको कामले नै काठमाडौँ आएको थिएँ । एउटा मान्छेलाई नभेटी नहुने थियो । अब काँकडभिट्टा जाँदैछु ।” “उफ व्यवस्थापक रे हेर्दापनि त्यस्तै लाग्छ….” मैले मनमनै उपेक्षा गरे उसलाई । एउटा यात्रु गाडीमा चढ्यो र भन्यो “कोही भात खान चाहन्छ भने यहाँ एउटा (होटलमा) घरमा गुन्द्रुक र भात रु चालीसमा पाइन्छ अरे ।” उसलाई सायद ज्यादै भोक लागेको थियो । म त गुन्द्रुकसँग भए पनि भात खाने भनेर हत्त न पत्त उत्रियो । तर उ उत्रिएको केही बेरमा नै सडकका गाडी अलिकति चल्मलाए । हाम्रो ड्राइभरले पनि गाडी ध्यार्र…टिं…पारिहाल्यो । खलासीले सबै यात्रीलाई बोलायो सबै यात्रु आए । गाडी हिँडयो । ऊ पनि सिटमा आएर बस्दै भन्यो, भात त पाकिसकेको रहेछ तर खानै भ्याइएन…। म खुच्चिङ मार्दै मनभरि हाँसिरहेँ…। उसले खान नपाएकोमा । दिन क्रमशः ढल्कन लागेको थियो । समय दिउँसोको दुई वा तीन बजिसकेको थियो । अरू दिन यसबेला ढल्केबर वा लाहानतिर पुग्ने गाडी त्यसदिन त्रिशुलीलाई छोड्न सकेको थिएन । सबै यात्रुहरू अब भोकबाट लखतरान भएर सिटमा चुपचाप निदाउने अभिनय गर्न थाले । भोको पेटमा साँच्चीकै निदाउने चाहिँ सायद एक दुई जनामात्र थिए होला…। अरु यात्रीको जस्तै मेरो सहयात्रीको अवस्था पनि दयनीय नै थियो । उसले धेरै प्रयास गरेको थियो भोक लाग्दा एकपेट खानलाई…। तैपनि केही पनि खान पाएको थिएन । ऊ भित्री रूपमा जे जस्तो भए पनि, जो भए पनि र मैले उसलाई जे जस्तो सोचे पनि मानवताको नाताले मलाई उसप्रति टीठ लाग्यो । मसँग खानेकुरा प्रशस्त थियो । फलफुल पनि थियो । मेरो मानवताले मलाई उसलाई केही दिन अह्रायो । बिचरा जे जस्तो व्यवसाय गरेर कमाएको भए तापनि त्यत्रो बिधि पैसा गोजीमा छ तर मुखमा एक गाँस पनि खान पाएको छैन । मान्छेहरू पैसालाई नै ठुलो ठान्छन् तर समय र परिवेश अनुसारमात्र पैसा ठूलो हुँदोरहेछ । खै त त्यत्रो पैसा उसको गोजीमा भएर पनि उसले भोक मेट्न सकेन त…। आखिर भोक मार्न त खानेकुरा नै त चाहिँदो रहेछ…जे जस्तो भए पनि…। पाँचतारे होटलको भए पनि मागेर खाएको एकमुठी भात भए पनि । आखिर जीवन धान्नु नै त मुख्य उद्देश्य हो रहेछ । मैले पैसा र खानेकुराको तुलना गरेँ र पैसाको मूल्यको पनि गणना गरेँ । मैले मसँग भएको खानेकुरा झिकेर उसलाई खान दिएँ । उसले लिन मानेन । मैले “लिनु न भोक लाग्यो होला” भनेर पुनः अनुरोध गरेँ । “बिहान मैले त नास्ता खाएको छु नि…बरु तपाईलाई पो भोक लाग्यो होला त…नास्ता पनि खानु भएन…।” उसले उल्टै पो मलाई सहानुभुति दर्शायो । नखाए नखा न त मोरा मनमनै भनेँ र क्वाम क्वाम पारेँ उसलाई दिन ठीक पारेको खानकुरा । मैले थाहा नपाएजस्तो गरेर उसलाई ध्यान दिएँ । भोकले उसको मन पनि उसको बसमा थिएन । बेला बेला उसका नजर चोरी चोरी मैले खाएको खानेकुरामा नै पर्ने गथ्र्यो । मलाई अझै दया लाग्यो उसप्रति । मैले पुनःअनुरोध गरेपछि उसले अप्ठ्यारो मान्दै लियो । मैले पनि अरू खाएँ । त्यसपछि उसको भोक केही शान्त भयो सायद, ऊ पुनः आरामले हात टाउकोमाथि राखेर बस्यो । हाम्रो अन्य बोलचाल भएन । ऊ निदाएको जस्तो लाग्यो । मैले ध्यान दिएँ, अभिनय नभएर ऊ साँच्चै नै निदाएको रहेछ । मैले उसलाई सर्सर्ती हेरेँ । उसको बसाई हेरेँ । अनि आफूले उप्रति लगाएका सम्भावित लान्क्षनाहरू दोहोर्याएँ । अहिलेसम्म लगभग नौ घण्टा सँगसँगै बसेको बेलाका क्रियाकलापको मूल्यांकन गरेँ । तर अहँ, मैले सोचेजस्तो शङ्का गरेजस्तो उसको क्रियाकलाप थिएन । ऊ सिधा र सर्तक भएर बसेको थियो । मपटि ढेसिएको पनि थिएन । उसको र मेरो बीचमा खाली ठाँउ थियो । म भन्दा पनि ऊ पो सतर्क भएर बसेको थियो । उसले न त मसँग अनावश्यक प्रश्न सोधेको थियो, न त फाल्तु गफ नै । कुनै पनि क्रियाकलाप गरेर मलाई छोएको पनि थिएन । मैले ऊ निदाएको मौका पारेर उसलाई नियालेर हेरेँ । थोरै कालो वर्णको…दाह्री जुँगा काटेको छोटो छोटो कपाल राखेको । मान्छे खासै नराम्रोचाहिँ हैन रहेछ । उचाई, शरीरको बान्की, अनुहारको बनौट पनि ठीकै रैछ नियालेर हेर्दा त । लुगा पनि साधारण । सेतो रङको कोठा कोठा भएको हाफसर्ट र खैरो रङको पाइन्ट लगाएको । अहिलेसम्मको उसको गतिविधि र पहिरन, बनावट, बोलाई, सबैको मुल्यांकन गर्दा ऊ मैले सोचेजस्तो फटाहा हैन रहेछ जस्तो लाग्यो मलाई । कता कता ढुक्क भएँ । त्यसैले मपनि अब निदाउने बहाना गर्नथालेँ । त्रिशुलीको लेदो पानी र पारी देखिने जंगलको दृष्यले मेरो आँखा पनि पोलिरहेको थियो । बामे सरेर पाँचबजे बल्ल नारायणगढ आइपुग्यो र रोकियो गाडी थचक्क । सबै यात्रुहरू चल्मलाउन थाले र उत्सुकतावश झयालबाहिर हेर्नथाले । ऊ पनि ब्युँझियो र गगल्स निकाल्यो आँखा (पुच्छ्यो) मिच्यो । मैले त्यसबेला देखेँ, उसको एउटा आँखा त पुरै सेतो पो रहेछ । सायद फूलो परेर बिग्रेको होला । त्यसैले पो उसले गगल्स लगाएको रहेछ । बल्ल मलाई थाहा भयो उसले गगल्स लगाएको वास्तविकता…। यसबेला मलाई मेरो शङ्का र उसप्रतिको उपेक्षाप्रति झिनो पश्चाताप लाग्यो…। नारायणघाट सुरुसँगै मूसालधारे पानी पर्यो । असिना झर्यो त्यसैले एकाध घण्टा गाडी रोकियो । असिना र्झन छोडेपछि पुनः गाडी अगाडि बढ्यो । सबैको इच्छा केही खाने थियो । दिनभरिको गाडीको बसाई र भोकले यात्रुहरूको बोल्न सक्ने शक्ति क्षीण भइसकेको थियो । ड्राइभरले पनि सानैदेखि ठूलोसम्म सबै होटलमा गाडी लग्यो तर मुसलधारे पानी र कुबेला भएकोले यात्री सबैलाई पुग्ने खाजा/नास्ता समेत कतै पाइएन । पुनः लाचार भएर ड्राइभरले गाडी अघि बढायो । सधैँ यसबेला आˆनो गन्तव्यमा पुग्ने गाडी आज त्यो समयमा लगभग आधा बाटोको दुरीमात्र पार गरेको थियो । यसपछि गाडीले तीव्र बेग लियो । चन्द्रनिगाहपुर पुग्दा रातको दश बजेको थियो । त्यहाँपनि खाना पाइएन । एउटामा मात्र अघिल्लो बसका यात्रुले खाएर बाँकी रहेको खाना भेटियो । नपाउनु भन्दा जेजस्तो भए पनि त्यहि खाने भनेर सबैले खाना खाए । मेरो सहयात्री पनि गयो र मलाई पनि आग्रह गर्यो खान जान । मैले नखाने भनेँ । मैले आफूसँगै भएको खानेकुरा खाएँ । ऊ खाना खाइसकेर आयो र सहयात्री हुनुको कर्तव्य निभाउँदै मलाई पनि एउटा फ्रुटी र चटपटे ल्याएर दियो । म झसङ्ग भएँ “अपरिचितले गाडीमा खान दिएको नखानु” भनेको सम्झेँ । फेरि मेरो मनले अघि नै उसलाई केटी बेच्ने दलालसम्म सम्भिmसकेको छ । कतै ऊ त्यही त हैन ? फेरि खानेकुरामा बेहोस पार्ने औषधि मिसाएको त छैन ? अब त झन् रातको समय छ मैले थुप्रै कुराहरू सोचेँ र खान्न भनेँ ? उसले अनुरोध गर्दापनि मैले खाएको भनेर लिँदै लिइनँ । उसले त्यो आफै खायो । मेरो डर अलिक कम भयो । उसले आफै खाएकोमा ढुक्क भएँ । हाम्रो यात्रा पुनः सुरु भयो । रातको समय थियो । अब त गाडीमा बत्ती पनि निभेको थियो । दिनभरिको भोकै र अहिलेको खानेकुरा अनि गाडीको थकाई । सबै यात्रु ओइलाए । यात्रुहरू गफ गर्न छोडे । बस भित्र शान्ति छायो । कति जना त निदाएर घुर्न थाले । ऊ पनि पुनः अघिकै जस्तो गरेर आरामसाथ ढल्कियो । अघिकै जस्तो गरेर निदायो । गाडी तीव्र बेगमा हुइंकिरहेको थियो । म भने तनमन देखि नै जागै थिएँ । निन्द्रा मदेखि धेरै टाढा थियो । मैले चुपचाप ब्यागको गोजीबाट एउटा साडीपिन निकालेर हातमा लिएँ । जब ऊ बहाना गरेर मप्रति ढल्केर टाँसिन खोज्छ तब म त्यही पीनले र्वाम्म पारिदिन्छु अनि मजा चाख्छ यस मोराले….। मनमनै म दंग परेर ऊतिर हेरेँ र कुटिल हाँसो हासेँ । धेरै वेर सम्म म मौका खोजिरहेँ । उसले केही गर्ला र म जाइलागुँला वा आक्रामक हुँला भनेर । तर ऊ त केही गर्नु त कता हो कता सुइँ सुँइ निदाइ पो रह्यो । मेरो पूर्वतयारी बेकार भयो । हातमा झिकेर राखेको सेप्टि पीन पुनः व्यागको फीतामा खिलेँ । पुनः मेरो ध्यान ऊप्रति केन्दि्रत भयो । ऊ एकदम सर्तक मुद्रामा थियो । सायद निदाएको बेलामा अनजानवश मलाई छोइन्छ कि भनेर छेउमा र सर्तक भएर बसेको थियो ।उसको हरेक पक्षबाट मूल्यांकन गर्दा मेरो सोचाइभन्दा एकदम भिन्दै निस्कियो ऊ त । मेरा मनका अघिका ऊ प्रतिका भावहरू पुरै परिवर्तन भइसकेको थियो अब । । उसले जसरी मलाई ‘बहिनी’ भेनेर सम्बोधन गरेको थियो, त्यो सम्बोधनको र सम्बन्धको मर्यादा पनि त्यसैगरी राखेको थियो । मैले सोचेभन्दा बिपरित उसलाई पाउँदा म झन् छक्क परेँ ।उसको त्यो व्यवहार वा कर्तव्यपरायण वा भलादमीपन प्रति कताकता रिस पो उठ्यो मलाई त । उसले मलाई हराएको थियो । किनकि उसका भावना, सोच, व्यवहार त उच्च र पवित्र रहेछ तर सङ्कुचित र पाप त म मा नै पो रहेछ कि क्या हो । मेरो ऊ प्रतिका भावनाले अर्कै मोड लिए । अघि मलाई उसले मप्रति कुभावना राख्छ, गलत व्यवहार गर्नसक्छ भनेर रिस उठेको थियो । अब मलाई “उसले किन त्यस्तो व्यवहार गरेन ? पुरुष भएर पनि किन उसले आˆनो पौरुषत्व देखाउने प्रयास गरेन…।” भनेर पो रिस उठन थाल्यो । मैले उसलाई हेर्दै मनमनै गाली गरेँ- “यो कस्तो खालको लाटो वा हुस्सु पो रहेछ…। काँतर अनि डरछेरुवा…। पुरुष भएर पनि लाछी…। कि यो कतै नपुंशक पो हो कि…? नत्र यत्रो लामो यात्रा…सँगै एउटी नौजवान सुन्दरी केटी…। त्यसमा पनि एक्लै…। कस्तो समयको सदुपयोग गर्न, मौकाको फाइदा उठाउन नजानेको होला…। गाडीमा न त उसको परिचित कोही थिए, न त मेरो नै…। फेरि, ऊ र म पूर्णपरिचित पनि त थिएनौँ…कस्तो उल्लु …। उसले चाहेका भए हाम्रो यतिलामो यात्रा रङ्गिन र रमाइलो पनि त हुनसक्थ्यो नि…। उसले मीठो-मीठो गफ गरेको भए हुन्थ्यो…। हाँसे हँसाएको भए हुनेथियो । मेरो सुन्दरताको बयान गर्दै मलाई फुरुक्क पारेको भए हुन्थ्यो…। जिस्किएकोे, चलेको भए हुन्थ्यो…। गाडीको कुदाई वा उप|mाइसँगै हल्लिएको बहानामा घरिघरि मसँग ठोकिएको भए हुन्थ्यो । अनजानमा भएको अभिनय गर्दै जानाजान ठोकिएको भए हुन्थ्यो…। एउटा वस्यक केटा र केटी बीचको सामिप्यता वा अन्जानमै भए पनि स्पर्शको मीठो अनुभुति सायद यसलाई थाहै पो रहेनछ कि…? थुइक्क नपुशंक । रातको मौसम…। सुनसान समय…। साथमा जवान केटी…। ऊ भने आनन्दसगँ निदाई पो रहेको छ । कसरी सकेको होला…। कुनै पुरुषको स्पर्शको सुक्ष्म तृष्णा जाग्यो ममा । पुरुषको गन्धले रोमान्चित बनायो मलाई । ममा अर्कै किसिमको भाव पैदा भयो । अनि उल्टै उसलाई परीक्षण गर्न चाहेँ । घुँडा निरको भाग अलिअलि गर्दै टसाएँ । बिस्तारै ऊ भएतिर सरेँ । अनि निदाएको अभिनय गरेँ । निद्रावस्थामा गाडीको उफ्राइसँगै अनजानवश ऊसँग ठोक्किएको बहानामा घरिघरि जानाजान ठोक्किनँ थालेँ । अनि निदाएको बहानामा ऊपट्टी ढल्किएँ र उसको काँधमा टाउको अड्याउन खोजेँ…। तर ऊ निदाएकै थिएन या त निन्द्रामै भए पनि आफ्नो कर्तव्यप्रति सचेत थियो, ऊ अलिक पर सर्यो । मैले झन मस्त निन्द्रामा भएको अभिनय गर्दैरहेँ । जानाजान उसमाथि जिउ नै छोडिदएँ लत्रङग पारेर । “सरी है” भन्दै उसले आफ्नो हातमा भएको ब्यागले मलाई घचेटेर उठाउने कोशिस गर्यो । मैले झसङ्ग भएर ब्युँझिएको अभिनय गर्दै सचेत भएझैँ गरेँ । थुइक्क मोरा ! कमसेकम हातले छोएको भए त हुने । कति रमाइलो हुन्थ्यो होला । मनमनै कुडिएँ म । मलाई उप्रति एकातिर झन् रिस उठिरहेको थियो भने अर्कोतिर एकदम श्रद्धापनि लागिरहेको थियो । अनायास खलासीले “इटहरी झर्ने कोही छ” भन्यो । उ “छ है” भन्दै उठ्यो । आˆनो झोला टिप्यो र ‘गएँ ल’ भनेर उत्रियो । मैले घडि हेरेँ रातको दुई बजेको रहेछ । ऊ गएको हेरिरहेँ । मसँग करिब बीस घण्टा सँगै बसेर गयो ऊ । मेरो दृष्टिमा ऊ एउटा खाते थियो । पाखे थियो । गुण्डा थियो । काँतर थियो । केटी बेच्ने दलाल थियो । बलात्कारी थियो । डरछेरुवा थियो । नपुंसक थियो, अनि नाता र रगतको सम्बन्ध बाहेकको एउटा संरक्षक वा ‘दाइ’ थियो । तर ऊ वास्तवमा को थियो ? के नाम थियो ? त्यो मलाई थाहा थिएन । न त मैले नै सोधेँ न त उसले नै बतायो । ऊ गइसकेपछि सिट हेरेँ। मलाई मेरै आत्मीय जनसँगको बिछोडको अनुभुति भयो । बिचरा ! रातको दुईबजे सुनसान सडकमा कहाँ जान्छ होला ? उज्यालो हुन्जेल कहाँ बस्छ होला ? उसँग यत्रो पैसा छ कतै कसैले केही गरे भने…?? मलाई उप्रति सहानुभुति भयो । मैले अनुभव गरेँ…। वास्तवमा नै बाह्र नं.को सिट नै नफाप्दो रहेछ । गन्तब्यमा पुगेर गाडी रोकियो मैले आˆनो प्यारो बाह्र नं.को सिटलाई त्यसैगरी मन नलागी नलागी छोडेँ, जसरी मैले काठमाडौँ, थानकोट, कृष्णभिर, त्रिशुली…नारायणघाट, हेटौडा लगायत बाइस घण्टाको सहयात्रीलाई छोडेकी थिएँ । अनलाइनखबर बाट !!
- 10:18 PM
- 9:48 PM
- 9:38 PM
- 8:54 PM
Malaysia has the highest number of Nepali migrant workers overseas with 700,000 people employed in its plantations and factories. But the country also registers a disproportionate number of deaths of Nepalis. Between July 2014-July 2015, 425 Nepali workers died in Malaysia, according to figures from the Foreign Employment Promotion Board in Kathmandu. Qatar, which has 550,000 workers from Nepal, had relatively fewer deaths: 178. Nine Nepali migrant workers died every week in Malaysia between July-November last year, according to the Nepali Embassy here, most of them from what health experts call sudden unexpected death syndrome
- 8:46 PM
The Narayanghat-Mugling highway has formally begun. The key route connecting the country’s eastern and western parts with Pokhara and Kathmandu is being widened under the Nepal-India Regional Trade and Transport Project which is expected to cut travel time considerably.
The World Bank has provided a Rs3 billion aid package for the project. The government had constructed the road with Chinese assistance four decades ago.
The Narayanghat-Mugling highway experiences the heaviest traffic load in the country, accounting for 90 percent of Nepal’s total international trade traffic. More than 20,000 vehicles ply the highway every day.
The project will upgrade and expand a 33-km section of the Narayanghat-Mugling road to Asian Highway standard and address road safety, axle load control and environmental sustainability issues along the trade corridor.
The road will be expanded to a double-lane road with a width of 9 to 11 metres.The current width of the road is 5.5 metres.
After the completion of the project, the travel time from Narayanghat to Mugling will be slashed to 30 minutes from the present 1 hour. The heavy congestion on the road has led to a number of accidents.
The project will be upgraded in three phases, and three India-Nepal joint venture companies have been contracted to implement the project. Project officials said that each contractor has been awarded a 10-12 kilometre stretch. As per the agreement, contractors are required to complete the project by April 2017.
Hari Das Koirala, the project chief, said that survey work for widening the road has formally begun. The upgradation will be started from Aaptari in Chitwan.
The road will be widened up to 11 metres from Aaptari to Jugedi and up to 9 metres till Mugling. Sections of the highway which lie on difficult terrain will be widened up to 7 metres.
The first phase of the project (10 kilometres) has been awarded to a joint-venture between BLA of India and Shrestha Construction Hetauda. The second phase has been awarded to Wood Hill Company of India and Lama Constructions of Nepal. The third phase (12 kilometres) will be constructed by Supreme Constructions of India and Rautaha Nepal.
- 8:08 PM
The official trailer of awaited movie SHAKUNTALA is finally out. Megastar Rajesh Hamal being portrayed as lady action avatar.When its first look revealed at couple of months ago, movie had get hyped due to experimental looks of Mr. Hamal. In trailer Hamal speaks same powerful dialogue that the lady looks of him is the respect to all of women and challenges for men. Anu shah, Kishor Khatiwada, Smriti shrestha and Rabindra Basnet are also in lead. Hamal is the protagonsit in this social drama and women centric movie.Deenesh Shrestha directorial venture is slated to release on 9 Bhadra
- 6:25 PM
Folk music mainly focus on classic culture, dress and entertainment through highly disciplined interaction between boys and girls where music like dohori, Rodhi etc help. In the recent years singers like Jyoti Thapa Magar have set a new trend on Nepali folk music.Lok geet or folk songs are meant to carry our culture and tradition but some of these new singers have dared to break the tradition and create a beautiful fusion of classic and modern taste.This hot and bold Nepali model singer Jyoti Magar is one of those who have tried the glamour in folk songs and they seem to be successful in their experiment. She has done modeling herself on most of her songs. Born in remote village of Rukum and educated in western city of Dang, Jyoti Thapa magar used to sing since she remembered and continued singing at school as well. Later when she came to Kathmandu for further study, she saw a trending market of folk song which many so called musicians these days are confused what the market is craving for.She released few folk song albums and some of them are a huge success like “Uhi Mulako Sinki”, Khichdeu Euta Photo Ye Sahuji Dekhau Chhoto Chhoto”, “Andheroma Lako Maya Kali Chhauki Gori” etc.
- 6:22 PM
काठमाडौं, १६ साउन ।सरकारले आर्थिक सहायताको नाममा राज्यकोषबाट एकै दिन एक करोड ३२ लाख ५० हजार रुपैयाँ बाँडेको छ ।तत्कालिन गृहमन्त्री शत्तिःबहादुर बस्नेतको प्रस्तावमा २६ असारमा बसेको मन्त्रीपरिषद् बैठकले ७८ जनालाई आर्थिक सहयोग दिने निर्णय गरेको हो ।
आर्थिक सहायता पाउनेमा विभिन्न दलका नेता–कार्यकर्ता धेरै छन् । संवैधानिक निकायमा व्यक्तिहरुले पनि आर्थिक सहायता पाएका छन् ।निर्वाचन आयुक्त इला शर्मालाई तीन लाख दिइएको छ । कांग्रेस केन्द्रीय सदस्य गोविन्द भझ्राई, एमाले नेता सोमनाथ अधिकारी, माओवादी केन्द्रका सांसद महेन्द्रबहादुर हाशी र पूर्वसांसद गोविन्दनाथ उप्रेतीलाई पाँच/पाँच लाख रुपैयाँ दिइएको छ । आजको नयाँ पत्रिका दैनिकमा खबर छ
- 6:18 PM
देशभरि दुई हजारभन्दा बढी सम्पदा छन् । सम्पदाहरू हेरी–हेरीका छन्— विश्व सम्पदामा सूचीकृत, राष्ट्रियस्तर र स्थानीयस्तरका सम्पदा । प्राचीन स्मारक संरक्षण ऐनले एक सय वर्षभन्दा पुराना सम्पदालाई राष्ट्रिय स्तरका सम्पदा भनेको छ । यस्ता सम्पदा पुरातत्व विभागको कार्यक्षेत्रभित्र पर्छन् । त्यस्तै, स्थानीय तहका सम्पदा पनि छन्, जुन सिमेन्ट, स्थानीय काठ, ढुंगाले बनेका छन् । कतिपय सम्पदा गुठी संस्थानको कार्यक्षेत्रभित्र पर्छन् ।
कति सम्पदामा क्षति ?
गत वर्षको भूकम्पले सात सय ५३ सम्पदामा क्षति पुर्याएको छ, काठमाडौं उपत्यका र बाहिर गरी । त्यसमा बढ्न पनि सक्छ, वर्षाले थप क्षति पुर्याएर । विश्वसम्पदा सूचीमा परेका सात सम्पदामा बढी क्षति पुगेका छन् । हनुमाढोका दरबार क्षेत्र, भक्तपुर दरबार क्षेत्र, पाटन दरबार क्षेत्र, स्वयम्भूनाथ स्तुपा, बौद्धनाथ स्तुपा, चाँगुनारायण मन्दिर परिसर, पशुपतिनाथ मन्दिर परिसर विश्वसम्पदा सूचीमा छन् । यी क्षेत्रमा भुइँचालोले थुप्रै क्षति पुर्याएको छ ।
सबैभन्दा बढी प्रभाव हनुमानढोका दरबार क्षेत्रमा परेको छ । त्यहाँका झन्डै ९० प्रतिशत स्मारक अर्थात् मठ–मन्दिर, पाटीपौवा, देवालय, शिवालय ध्वस्त भएका छन् । यहाँका ३५ स्मारक क्षतिग्रस्त छन् । त्यसमा मुख्य रुपले काष्ठमण्डप, माजुदेवल, दशनारायणको जात्रा देखाउने मन्दिर, देवुतलेजु, नगराघरलगायत स्मारक क्षतिग्रस्त छन् । हनुमानढोका दरबार जर्जर छ । त्रिभुवन स्मृति संग्रहालयमा क्षति पुगेको छ ।
हाम्रा सम्पदा पर्यटन उद्योगको मेरुदण्डको रुपमा रहेका छन् । त्यसैले यसको पुनर्निर्माणमा राज्यले प्राथमिकता दिनुपर्छ ।
कहाँ र कति पुनर्निर्माण ?
पुनर्निर्माणका कामहरु हामीले गत वर्षदेखि नै सुरु गरेका हौँ । एक सय चारवटा सम्पदा गत वर्ष बनाउने भनेर योजना आयोगबाट पास पनि गराइसकेका थियौँ । तर, पुनर्निर्माण प्राधिकरणले यसपालि ४९ वटा मात्रै गर्ने भनेर स्वीकृति दियो । त्यहीअनुसार ४८ सम्पदाको हामीले टेन्डरको काम सक्यौँ । त्यसमा ३७ वटा बहुवर्षीय योजना (दुई–तीन वर्षमा सकिने) का टेन्डर कार्य हामीले सकिसक्यौँ । त्यसमा पनि १७ वटालाई कार्यादेश दिइसकेका छौँ । कामअगाडि बढिसकेको छ ।
गत वर्ष नै काम थाल्न भनिएको एक सय चारमध्ये बाँकी सम्पदाबारे प्राधिकरणसँग छलफल भइरहेको छ ।
हामीसँग म्यानपावर अलि कम थियो, अहिले बढाएका छौँ । अहिले हामीसँग ४० जनाजति आर्किटेक्चर, १० जना सिभिल इन्जिनियर, पाँचजना स्ट्रक्चरल इन्जिनियर, १५ जना ओभरसियर हुनुहुन्छ । यो म्यानपावर अहिले क्षतिग्रस्त सम्पदाको डिजाइन, ड्रोइङ गर्न र लागत स्टिमेट तयार गर्न युद्धस्तरमा लागेको छ ।]
हामीले एक सय चारवटा मठ–मन्दिरलाई दुई अर्ब ३४ करोड चाहिने बताएका थियौँ, तर ३४ करोड मात्रै पायौँ, त्यो पनि गएको जेठमा । यो रकम हामीले पुनर्निर्माणको आधारभूत काममा खर्च गरिरहेका छौँ । ती एक सय चार मठ–मन्दिरसम्म पुनर्निर्माणमा हामीलाई दुई अर्बभन्दा बढी रुपैयाँ चाहिन्छ, यसमा सकारात्मक पहल, प्रक्रिया भइरहेको छ । बजेटको निकासा समयमा भयो भने अबको ५–६ वर्षमा क्षतिग्रस्त सम्पदाको पुनर्निर्माण हुन्छ । यही हो कि आर्थिक पाटो नै महत्त्वपूर्ण कुरा हो, अर्थको अभावमा केही सम्भव छैन ।
विश्व सम्पदामा परेका सम्पदाको पुनर्निर्माणमा युनेस्कोले बजेट दिँदैन, टेक्निकल सपोर्ट मात्रै गर्छ । किनभने, ऊ आफैँ चन्दाबाट चलेको संस्था हो । भूकम्पलगत्तै हेरिटेज म्यानेजमेन्ट गर्नका लागि युनेस्कोले सानोतिनो तालिमको व्यवस्था गरेको थियो ।
पुरातात्विक सामान संकलन
भूकम्पले क्षति पुर्याएका काठमाडौंका सम्पदाका पुरातात्विक सामान हामीले हनुमानढोकामा राखेका थियौँ, छरप्रस्ट रुपमा । भत्किएका सम्पदाका तोरणहरु, दलिनहरु, ढोकाहरु, झ्यालहरु, थामहरु, गजुरहरु लगायत सामान त्यहाँ राखिएको थियो । ती सामान कहाँका, कुन मन्दिरका हुन् भनेर छुट्याउनु जटिल कार्य थियो, त्यो काम सकिसकेका छौँ । भक्तपुर, पाटनमा पनि यो काम गरिसकेका छौँ ।
हनुमान ढोका दरबार क्षेत्र
हनुमानढोकाका थुप्रै संरचना ध्वस्त भएका छन् । यसमध्येको काष्ठमण्डपको ड्रोइङ, डिजाइन्, कस्ट इस्टिमेट तयार भइसकेको छ । यो झन्डै १४ करोडमा बन्ने देखिन्छ । यसलाई काठमाडौं महानगर पालिकाले बनाउँछु भनेकाले उसैलाई जिम्मा दिइएको छ । यहाँको माजुदेवल पनि महानगर पालिकाले बनाउँछु भनेको छ ।
त्यस्तै, त्रैलोक्य मन्दिरका लागि टेन्डर गरिसकेका छौँ । त्यसअगाडिको गद्दी बैठकको स्ट्रक्चरल स्टडी गर्न जापानको एउटा मिया मोतो भन्ने कन्सल्टेन्टलाई दिएका छौँ । किनभने, त्यो विदेशी शैलीको छ ।
हनुमानको मूर्तिमा क्षति पुगेको छ । यसमा जापान सरकारको जाइकाले बनाउन रुचि देखाएको छ, उसैलाई बनाउन दिन्छौँ होला । त्यसअगाडिको कागेश्वरी र अरु दुई मन्दिर काठमाडौं भ्याली प्रिजरभेसन ट्रस्टले बनाउन सुरु गरिसकेको छ ।
त्यस्तै, तलेजु मन्दिरको छाना बनाउँदै छौँ ।
पाटनमा पनि काठमाडौं भ्याली प्रिजरभेसन ट्रस्टले हाम्रो अनुमतिमा काम सुरु गरेको छ । भीमसेन मन्दिरअगाडिको एउटा ढुंगाको मूर्ति भाँचिएको थियो, त्यसलाई जस्ताको तस्तै बनाइसकेका छौँ । भीमसेन मन्दिर र त्यहाँको अदालत भवन बनाउन हामीले भारत सरकारलाई सहमति दिइसकेका छौँ ।
विश्व सम्पदासम्बन्धी युनेस्कोको ४०औँ सम्मेलनले यसपालि पनि काठमाडौं उपत्यकालाई खतराको सूचीमा राख्ने एजेन्डा राखिसकेको थियो । अहिले पनि हामीले यो–यो काम गर्यौँ, अब हामी यो–यो काम गर्दैछौँ, अहिले खतराको सूचीमा नराखियोस् भनेर हामीले अरु एक वर्षको थप समय माग्यौँ ।
काठमाडौंलाई खतराको सूचीबाट हटायौँ
गएको १० जुलाईदेखि २० सम्म टर्कीको इस्तानबुलमा विश्व सम्पदासम्बन्धी युनेस्कोको ४०औँ सम्मेलन भएको थियो । यसमा नेपालको तर्फबाट संस्कृति सचिव प्रेमकुमार राई र मलगायत ८ जनाको टोलीले भाग लियो । फ्रान्सबाट नेपाली राजदूत अम्बिका लुइटेल आउनुभएको थियो । सम्मेलनमा युनेस्कोले यसपालि पनि काठमाडौं उपत्यकालाई खतराको सूचीमा राख्ने एजेन्डा राखिसकेको थियो ।
गत वर्ष पनि राखेको थियो, तर हामीले एक वर्षको समय मागेका थियौँ । अहिले पनि हामीले यो–यो काम गर्यौँ, अब हामी यो–यो काम गर्दैछौँ, अहिले खतराको सूचीमा नराखियोस् भनेर हामीले अरु एक वर्षको थप समय माग्यौँ । यसमा २१ राष्ट्रका कमिटी मेम्बरहरुबीचमा छलफल भयो, १८ देशले हामीलाई एक वर्षको समय दिए । त्यसैले यसपालि पनि हामीले काठमाडौं उपत्यकालाई खतराको सूचीबाट जोगाउन सफल भएका छौँ । यो हाम्रा लागि राम्रो कुरा त हुँदै हो, सँगसँगै चुनौती पनि हो । यो चुनौतीलाई सामना गर्न हामीले गम्भीरतापूर्वक काम गर्नुपर्नेछ ।
हाम्रो कामलाई मोनिटरिङ गर्न युनेस्कोको रिएक्टिभ मोनिटरिङ मिसन आउँदो जनवरीभन्दा अगाडि आउँदै छ । त्यतिखेरसम्म हामीले धेरै मठ–मन्दिर पुनर्निर्माण गरिसक्नुपर्छ । युनेस्कोले नेपालका सम्पदालाई फेरि खतराको सूचीमा राख्दैन भन्न सकिँदैन । त्यसैले हामीले जतिसक्दो छिटो काम गर्नुपर्ने छ । यसका लागि बजेट महत्त्वपूर्ण हुन्छ । बजेटबारे प्राधिकरणसँग बैठक चलिरहेको छ । हाम्रा कुरालाई प्राथमिकतामा राखेर बजेट विनियोजन हुने आश्वासन पाइरहेका छौँ ।
२४५ फिटको लिफ्सहितको धरहरा
निवर्तमान प्रधानमन्त्री केपी शर्मा ओलीले धरहरा बनाउने उद्घोष गर्नुभएको थियो । त्यसअन्तर्गत पुरातत्व विभागले कन्सल्टेन्टहरुलाई नियुक्त गर्यो । जमिनबाट दुई सय ४५ फिट उचाइको धरहरा बनाउन माटो परीक्षणको काम सक्यौँ । त्यसको कन्सेप्चुएल डिजाइन बनाउन विष्णु पन्थीको कन्सल्टेन्टलाई दिइसकेका छौँ ।
धरहराछेउको वैदेशिक हुलाक र टक्सार विभागलाई समेत हटाएर खुला पार्क, अन्डरग्राउन्ड म्युजिएम, पार्किङसहितको अत्याधुनिक धरहरा बनाइनेछ, जसमा लिफ्टबाट चढ्न सकिने छ । भर्खरै सरकारले वैदेशिक हुलाक र टक्सार विभागलाई अन्त सार्ने र त्यहाँको जग्गा नेपाल सरकारको नामबाट उपलब्ध गराउने निर्णय गरिसकेको छ ।
धरहरा बनाउन नेपाल टेलिकमले पैसा हाल्छु भनेको छ । प्राधिकरणले खाता खोलेको छ, त्यसमा पैसा जम्मा भइरहेकै छ । व्यक्ति, संघ–संस्थाहरुले पनि पैसा दिइरहेकै छन् ।
सम्पूर्ण रुपमा धरहरा निर्माण गर्न झन्डै तीन अर्ब लाग्ने देखिएको छ । यसमा दुई अर्ब नेपाल टेलिकमले हाल्छु भनेर तयार भइसकेको छ । तर, सम्झौता हुन बाँकी छ ।
वैदेशिक सहयोग
श्रीलंका सरकारलाई रातो मछिन्द्रनाथ बुङमती र आनन्द कुटी बिहार बनाउन दिने सहमति गरेका छौँ । टेन्डरको प्रक्रिया सकिएर काम अगाडि बढिसकेको छ ।
त्यस्तै, चीन सरकारले हनुमानढोकाको नौतले दरबार बनाउन सम्झौता गरिसकेको छ । अक्टोबरदेखि काम अगाडि बढ्ने छ । नुवाकोटको साततले दरबार बनाउन पनि चीन सरकारले रुचि देखाएको छ ।
भारत सरकारले २३–२४ वटा सम्पदा बनाउन सहमति लिइसकेको छ । काठमाडौंको सेतो मच्छिन्द्रनाथको मन्दिर, पाटनको कृष्ण मन्दिर छेउको भीमसेन मन्दिर, अदालत भवन, त्यस्तै त्रिपुरेश्वरको बम विकटेश्वर मन्दिर लगायत सम्पदा भारतले बनाउने सहमति भएको छ ।
ढुंगा, काठ, इँटा र सुर्कीचुना
पुरातात्विक सम्पदाको पुनर्निर्माण जो–कोहीले गर्न सक्छन्, तर पुरातत्व विभागको सहमति लिनुपर्छ । सय वर्षभन्दा पुराना सम्पदाको पुनर्निर्माण गर्दा परम्परागत सामग्रीको प्रयोग गर्नुपर्छ । परम्परागत सामान भनेको ढुंगा, काठ, इँटा, सुर्कीचुना नै हुन् । यसमा पुरातत्वले निरीक्षण गरेको हुन्छ । कस्तो बनाउने भन्ने ड्रोइङ, डिजाइन पनि हामीकहाँ नै पेस गर्नुपर्छ ।
(ध्रुवसत्य परियारसँगको कुराकानीमा आधारित)
- 6:14 PM
Interview with Producer Chhabi Ojha who shares that he will get married by Dashain and he will approach Shilpa Pokharel first. If she agrees than he will marry within Dashain but he won’t wait her more than Dashain. Watch an exclusive interview with ace producer Chhabi Ojha.
Exclusive Interview with Chabi Raj Ojha – Hawaldar Suntali – Nepali Movie
Chabiraj Production Presents
Direction: Rishi Lamichhane
Music: Dipak Sharma
Artist: Shilpa Pokhrel,Sabin Shrestha,Kishor Khatiwoda ETC.
Lyrics: Lekhu Sahayatri
Choreography:Kabiraj Gahatraj
Edit: Ananta Thapaliya
Camera: Madan Kasyap Ghimire
Producer: Dijendra Shakya
A film Of Chhabiraj Ojha
- 6:10 PM
Posted by Anup Baral July 30, 2016 :
Gyanendra Lal Pradhan, hydropower specialist and entrepreneur, is an electrical engineer by training. He is Executive Chairman at Hydro Solutions, Chairman of the Energy Committee at the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI), SAARC CCI Council on Climate Change, Energy and Water Resources, and CACCI Asian Council on Water, Energy, and Environment.He is also Executive Member of the Canada-Nepal Business Chamber, Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industry and various other chambers of commerce and industry (Nepal-Russia, Nepal-German, Nepal-China, Nepal-Britain, and SAARC-Nepal); and Special Member of the Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Gyanendra Lal Pradhan, hydropower specialist and entrepreneur, is an electrical engineer by training. He is Executive Chairman at Hydro Solutions, Chairman of the Energy Committee at the Federation of Nepalese Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FNCCI), SAARC CCI Council on Climate Change, Energy and Water Resources, and CACCI Asian Council on Water, Energy, and Environment.He is also Executive Member of the Canada-Nepal Business Chamber, Federation of Nepalese Chamber of Commerce and Industry and various other chambers of commerce and industry (Nepal-Russia, Nepal-German, Nepal-China, Nepal-Britain, and SAARC-Nepal); and Special Member of the Confederation of Asia-Pacific Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
- 6:07 PM
The death toll in the floods and landslides triggered by the torrential rainfall that occurred in the district in the past two days has reached 38, according to the District Administration Office, Pyuthan. Of the victims include central member of the CPN (Maoist-Centre) Hari Bahadur KC and his spouse Bindu, who were buried in the landslide that occurred from the hills above their house on Monday night. Phopli VDC of the district suffered worst where 14 persons from three wards of the VDC died in the disasters. Those killed in the landslides are Chetman Pun, Sher Bahadur Pun, Narayan KC, Drona Bahadur KC, Pabitra KC, Hari Bahadur KC, his wife Bindu, Jaheshwor Budhathoki and Pima Budhathoki, and two children. Others killed in the landslide are Setu pun, Shere Pun, Domanta Pun, Kumari Pun, Chetima Pun, Nandi Pun, Khopli Pun, Mane Pun, Sagar Pun, Somali Pun, Chhami Pun and an infant from Phopli VDC. Similarly, Argha area located in the northern belt of the district witnessed the death of three persons from the same family in the landslide. The dead were Deb Bahadur Budha, Himal Budha and a woman. Other casualties are from Khawang- Dil Maya KC, Dabile Sunar and DK Sunar. Moreover, the District Police Office informed that Supari Malla and his son Mukesh from Puja-1
- 6:03 PM
Posted by Anup Baral July 30, 2016Two Nepalis were injured in a clash that erupted between youths from Nepal and India at the no-man’s land following a debate over construction of a dam by Indian authorities. Dev Narayan Yadav of Tilathi-4 and Roshan Jha of Tilathi-6 were injured after receiving stones hurled by the Indians. Among the injured, the condition of Yadav is said to be serious. It is learnt that Indian locals targeted Yadav as he had been protesting the dam constructed illegally by the Southern neighbor. The clash was ensued after local youths demolished a dam that was being constructed by India at the no-man’s land breaching international norms. Nepali youths damaged some 80 percent of the dam constructed by India.@myrepublica
- 5:59 PM
- 5:55 PM
Posted by Anup Baral July 31st, 2016:
Watch Daily Rasifal Video: Find out where theThursday is dedicated to alleviating the bad influence of Lord S hani. The Vrat on this day is mainly observed by those people who believe in Hindu astrology. Black is the color of the day and people visit Shani shrine or Navagraha shrines. Food is only consumed once on the day. Saturday Fasting Dedicated To Hindu God Shani and Hanuman Talk about Shani or Sani to a Hindu and the first re action will be fear and then the mentioning of ill effects and troubles. Shani is dreaded by Hindus, especially by those who believe in astrology. Many people observe an Upvaas or fast to avoid the adversities and misfortunes on Shanivar or Saturday. It is believed that those who have the blessing of Lord Hanuman are protected from the wrath of Shani. Therefore many people make it a point to worship Hanuman at home or in temples. Black is the preferred color on Thursday. Shani, one of the Navagrahas, is worshipped in numerous temples and there are also temples exclusively dedicated to Sani. Devotees who are observing Shanivar Vrat usually visit Shani shrines. Black colored items like sesame til, sesame oil, black clothes, and black gram whole are offered to Shani. It must be noted here that the color of the idol of Shani is always black in color. Those devotees who fast on Saturday only take a single meal that too in the evening after prayers. Food prepared usually consis ts of sesame til or black gram or any other black colored food item. Salt is avoided by many on the day. planets are today! Watch Today's Daily Horoscopes published in Image Tv.
Watch Daily Rasifal Video: Find out where theThursday is dedicated to alleviating the bad influence of Lord S hani. The Vrat on this day is mainly observed by those people who believe in Hindu astrology. Black is the color of the day and people visit Shani shrine or Navagraha shrines. Food is only consumed once on the day. Saturday Fasting Dedicated To Hindu God Shani and Hanuman Talk about Shani or Sani to a Hindu and the first re action will be fear and then the mentioning of ill effects and troubles. Shani is dreaded by Hindus, especially by those who believe in astrology. Many people observe an Upvaas or fast to avoid the adversities and misfortunes on Shanivar or Saturday. It is believed that those who have the blessing of Lord Hanuman are protected from the wrath of Shani. Therefore many people make it a point to worship Hanuman at home or in temples. Black is the preferred color on Thursday. Shani, one of the Navagrahas, is worshipped in numerous temples and there are also temples exclusively dedicated to Sani. Devotees who are observing Shanivar Vrat usually visit Shani shrines. Black colored items like sesame til, sesame oil, black clothes, and black gram whole are offered to Shani. It must be noted here that the color of the idol of Shani is always black in color. Those devotees who fast on Saturday only take a single meal that too in the evening after prayers. Food prepared usually consis ts of sesame til or black gram or any other black colored food item. Salt is avoided by many on the day. planets are today! Watch Today's Daily Horoscopes published in Image Tv.
- 5:52 PM
काठमाडौँ / खानी तथा भूगर्भ विभागले उपत्यकाको थप एक ठाउँमा मिथेन ग्यास पत्ता लगाउने कार्यमा जुटेको छ । विभागविभागका प्रवक्ता कृष्णदेव झाले पहिलेका पुरिएका ठाउँभन्दा फरक ठाउँमा ग्यास पत्ता लगाउन कार्य भइरहेको आज जानकारी गराउनुभयो । “पहिलेका १४ भन्दा फरक ठाउँमा हामीले ग्यास पत्ता लगाइरहेका छौँ”, उहाँले भन्नुभयो – “त्यसका लागि बजेट विनियोजन गरेर कार्य सुरु गरिसकेका छौँ ।”

यसअघि उपत्यकामा १४ ठाउँमा मिथेन ग्यास पाइएर इनारसमेत खनिइसकेको छ । तर अहिले इमाडोलमा रहेको इनारबाहेक सबै पुरानो भएकाले बन्द रहेको अवस्थामा छन् ।
इमाडोलस्थित खरिबोट क्षेत्रमा रहेको इनार भने ग्यास भण्डारण गर्नका लागि गतवर्ष पुनः खनिएको थियो ।
भारतीय नाकाबन्दीका कारण ग्यास अभाव भएपछि सरकारले उपत्यकामा रहेको मिथेन ग्यासलाई प्रयोगमा ल्याउने चर्चा चलेको थियो । उहाँका अनुसार अहिले विभागले विभिन्न ठाउँमा गएर अध्ययन गरिरहेको छ । “पहिले ग्यास पत्ता लगाउँछौँ । अनि कति ग्यास निस्कन्छ, त्यो पत्ता लगाउँछौँ”, उहाँले भन्नुभयो – “अनि ग्यासलाई सङ्कलन गर्छांै ।”
विभागका प्राकृतिक ग्यास तथा कोइला शाखा प्रमुख पृथ्वीलाल श्रेष्ठले ग्यास पत्ता लगाई यसै आवमा इनार खनिने जानकारी गराउनुभयो ।
सरकारले सन् १९८२ मा टेकुमा रहेको मिथेन ग्यासलाई प्लान्ट बनाई प्रयोगमा ल्याएको थियो ।
एक अध्ययनले उपत्यकामा रहेको ग्यासले २० वर्षसम्म ५० हजार परिवारलाई खाना पकाउन पुग्ने तथ्य सार्वजनिक गरेको थियो ।
यसैगरी विभागले उपत्यकामा रहेका ग्यास भण्डारण गर्नका लागि मोबाइल ग्यास परीक्षण प्लान्ट बनाउन थालेको छ ।
शाखा प्रमुख श्रेष्ठले उपत्यकामा रहेको ग्यास कति मात्रामा रहेछ पत्ता लगाई सङ्कलन गर्नका लागि प्लान्ट बनाउन थालिएको बताउनुभयो ।
उहाँका अनुसार करिब रु २० लाखमा प्लान्ट बनाउन थालिएको छ ।
“ग्यास सङ्कलनका लागि अरु ठाउँमा पनि लैजान सकिने भएकाले मोबाइल प्लान्ट बनाउन थालेका हौँ”, उहाँले भन्नुभयो – “पहिलो चरणमा हामीले इमाडोलमा रहेको ग्यासलाई प्लान्टमा जम्मा गर्छौँ ।”
यसअघि टेकुमा मिथेन ग्यास सङ्कलनका लागि बनाइएको प्लान्ट बिग्रिएर थन्किएको छ । रासस
यसअघि उपत्यकामा १४ ठाउँमा मिथेन ग्यास पाइएर इनारसमेत खनिइसकेको छ । तर अहिले इमाडोलमा रहेको इनारबाहेक सबै पुरानो भएकाले बन्द रहेको अवस्थामा छन् ।
इमाडोलस्थित खरिबोट क्षेत्रमा रहेको इनार भने ग्यास भण्डारण गर्नका लागि गतवर्ष पुनः खनिएको थियो ।
भारतीय नाकाबन्दीका कारण ग्यास अभाव भएपछि सरकारले उपत्यकामा रहेको मिथेन ग्यासलाई प्रयोगमा ल्याउने चर्चा चलेको थियो । उहाँका अनुसार अहिले विभागले विभिन्न ठाउँमा गएर अध्ययन गरिरहेको छ । “पहिले ग्यास पत्ता लगाउँछौँ । अनि कति ग्यास निस्कन्छ, त्यो पत्ता लगाउँछौँ”, उहाँले भन्नुभयो – “अनि ग्यासलाई सङ्कलन गर्छांै ।”
विभागका प्राकृतिक ग्यास तथा कोइला शाखा प्रमुख पृथ्वीलाल श्रेष्ठले ग्यास पत्ता लगाई यसै आवमा इनार खनिने जानकारी गराउनुभयो ।
सरकारले सन् १९८२ मा टेकुमा रहेको मिथेन ग्यासलाई प्लान्ट बनाई प्रयोगमा ल्याएको थियो ।
एक अध्ययनले उपत्यकामा रहेको ग्यासले २० वर्षसम्म ५० हजार परिवारलाई खाना पकाउन पुग्ने तथ्य सार्वजनिक गरेको थियो ।
यसैगरी विभागले उपत्यकामा रहेका ग्यास भण्डारण गर्नका लागि मोबाइल ग्यास परीक्षण प्लान्ट बनाउन थालेको छ ।
शाखा प्रमुख श्रेष्ठले उपत्यकामा रहेको ग्यास कति मात्रामा रहेछ पत्ता लगाई सङ्कलन गर्नका लागि प्लान्ट बनाउन थालिएको बताउनुभयो ।
उहाँका अनुसार करिब रु २० लाखमा प्लान्ट बनाउन थालिएको छ ।
“ग्यास सङ्कलनका लागि अरु ठाउँमा पनि लैजान सकिने भएकाले मोबाइल प्लान्ट बनाउन थालेका हौँ”, उहाँले भन्नुभयो – “पहिलो चरणमा हामीले इमाडोलमा रहेको ग्यासलाई प्लान्टमा जम्मा गर्छौँ ।”
यसअघि टेकुमा मिथेन ग्यास सङ्कलनका लागि बनाइएको प्लान्ट बिग्रिएर थन्किएको छ । रासस
- 4:59 AM
- 4:45 AM
- 4:40 AM
- 4:35 AM
Nepali movie which about selling Banana and first lady turn to buy banana. Truly speaking nowadays lots of crime are happening due to carelessness. It is so unexpected thing that we can’t recognize any evilness inside any person and here is a short movie where you can see the same thing. Nepali Hot Nepali Movie – “Kerawala ” Awareness Sexy Nepali Movie which is made for Aware you social massage though our Nepali hot movie. Nepali film industry has got its won history-in the field of making movies,but it has got its own trend and culture which is taken from our own tradition where we can find more than one hundred cultural diversity according to castes, geography and heritage of country. It is known as “Nepali Chalchitra” or kollywood industry. Furthermore, Nepali Movies are the key tool to give an education and awareness towards the audiences about social, political, economic,and various issues of the society. We have short video today which is crime based carelessness short Nepali movie title ‘Husband and wife. This movie is excursively published by Movies Nepal you tube channel which is growing rapidly. As far as movie story concerned seems to be made for social awareness to spread the word for good purpose. Now days it is becoming business in Nepal Making of name of Short Nepali movie and distributing to Nepalese community worldwide to get attention to watch such movies and get lodes of views on you-tube. Watch today’s comedy short video and enjoy the moment
- 4:31 AM
The resignation of Nepal’s prime minister marks any other gain for India and setback for China in South Asia. Nepali top Minister ok.P. Sharma Oli stepped down on Sunday beforehand of a no-self assurance vote within the country’s parliament, finishing a 9-month reign wherein increasing tensions with India induced him to enhance ties with China. His possibly successor, who will be Nepal’s ninth prime minister in a decade, is visible leaning extra towards India. “It’s clearly a new starting, the give up of a chapter that didn’t cross too well for India,” said Ashok Malik, a prominent fellow at the brand new Delhi-based Observer research basis. Indian top Minister Narendra Modi has sought to prevent China from gaining a foothold in a vicinity with about a 5th of the arena’s population that sits close to strategic energy routes. final year, Sri Lankan electorate kicked out a pro-China authorities and mounted leaders looking for more potent ties with India.
- 4:23 AM
- 4:18 AM
एजेन्सी । अफगानिस्तानको हेलमान्ड प्रांन्तको एक जिल्ला तालिवानको कब्जामा गएको स्थानीय अधिकारीले शनिबार जानकारी दिएका छन् । हेलमान्ड प्रान्तको कनासिन जिल्लामा सुरक्षा अधिकारीहरु र तालिवान बीच भएको भीषण झडपपछि उनीहरुका कब्जामा गएको बताइएको छ । प्रान्तीय परिषदका उप निर्देशक अब्दुल मजिद आखोजादाले सो जानकारी दिएका छन् ।सो जिल्लाको कब्जाको क्रममा २० प्रहरी अधिकारीहरु हताहत भएका बताइएको छ । तालिवानको क
ब्जा गएको सो जिल्ला पाकिस्तानको सीमा क्षेत्रमा पर्ने जनाइएको छ ।
हेलमान्ड प्रान्तको ६० प्रतिशत भू–भाग तालिवान आतङ्ककारी समूहको कब्जामा रहेको आखोजादाले थप जानकारी दिएका छन् । मार्जाह, सङ्गीन गारम्सेर, दिसु जिल्लाहरु यस अघि नै तालिवानको कब्जामा रहेको छ ।
अफगानिस्तानको ४०७ वटा जिल्लामा २६८ सरकारको नियन्त्रण तथा प्रभावमा रहेको छ । तर ३६ वटा अर्थात ८.८ प्रतिशत भने आतङ्ककारीको नियन्त्रण र प्रभाव रहेको छ । बाँकी १०४ वटा अर्थात २५.६ प्रतिशत जिल्ला भने आतङ्ककारीले कब्जा गर्न सक्ने खतरा रहेको बताइएको छ
हेलमान्ड प्रान्तको ६० प्रतिशत भू–भाग तालिवान आतङ्ककारी समूहको कब्जामा रहेको आखोजादाले थप जानकारी दिएका छन् । मार्जाह, सङ्गीन गारम्सेर, दिसु जिल्लाहरु यस अघि नै तालिवानको कब्जामा रहेको छ ।
अफगानिस्तानको ४०७ वटा जिल्लामा २६८ सरकारको नियन्त्रण तथा प्रभावमा रहेको छ । तर ३६ वटा अर्थात ८.८ प्रतिशत भने आतङ्ककारीको नियन्त्रण र प्रभाव रहेको छ । बाँकी १०४ वटा अर्थात २५.६ प्रतिशत जिल्ला भने आतङ्ककारीले कब्जा गर्न सक्ने खतरा रहेको बताइएको छ
- 4:10 AM
काठमाण्डौं, १५ साउन । नयाँ बानेश्वर संसद भवन दक्षिण–पश्चिम कुनाको करिब २०० मिटर पर उभिएर डा. गोविन्द केसीले सांसदहरुलाई चुनौति दिएका छन् । उनले १५ दिन लामो अनसन ताडेको पाचौँ दिन समर्थकसँगै सडकमा उत्रिएका केसीले सांसदहरुलाई लोकतन्त्र वा लोकमानतन्त्रमध्ये एक रोज्न चुनौति दिएका हुन् ।

सयौँको सहभागीता रहेको ‘वाक विथ डा. केसी’ नामक पदयात्राको कोणसभालाई सम्बोधन गर्दै केसीले आफू स्वास्थ्य र शिक्षा क्षेत्रको सुधारका लागि लडिरहेको बताए । साथै उनले आफ्ना मागप्रति बेवास्ता गरिए अबको आफ्नो लडाइ सडकबाटै हुने चेतावनी दिए ।अख्तियार प्रमुख लोकमानसिंह कार्कीलाई भ्रष्टाचारको नायक भन्दै केसीले उनीमाथि समानान्तर सत्ता चलाएको र संविधानभन्दा माथि हुन खोजेको आरोप लगाए भने, ‘लोकतन्त्र वा लोकमानतन्त्र मध्ये एक रोज्नुपर्यो । यदि लोकमानतन्त्र अन्त्य गर्न सक्दैनौं भने राजीनामा देऊ ।
सयौँको सहभागीता रहेको ‘वाक विथ डा. केसी’ नामक पदयात्राको कोणसभालाई सम्बोधन गर्दै केसीले आफू स्वास्थ्य र शिक्षा क्षेत्रको सुधारका लागि लडिरहेको बताए । साथै उनले आफ्ना मागप्रति बेवास्ता गरिए अबको आफ्नो लडाइ सडकबाटै हुने चेतावनी दिए ।अख्तियार प्रमुख लोकमानसिंह कार्कीलाई भ्रष्टाचारको नायक भन्दै केसीले उनीमाथि समानान्तर सत्ता चलाएको र संविधानभन्दा माथि हुन खोजेको आरोप लगाए भने, ‘लोकतन्त्र वा लोकमानतन्त्र मध्ये एक रोज्नुपर्यो । यदि लोकमानतन्त्र अन्त्य गर्न सक्दैनौं भने राजीनामा देऊ ।
- 4:05 AM
A bilateral meeting between security officials of Nepal and India held at Kunauli of India on Friday has agreed to immediately halt the construction of levee at Dasgaja area (no-man’s land) across Tilathi of Saptari district, informed Saptari SP Bhim Prasad Dhakal.The meeting decided to form a joint team comprising representatives from Nepal’s Department of Water Induced Disaster Prevention and India’s Jal Sansadhan Department to immediately make an onsite inspection of controversial area and present a report with recommendation for solution.”The meeting decided to halt the construction of dam till the committee submits its report,” said SP Dhakal.The bilateral meeting today was attended by Chief District Officer of Saptari Baldev Gautam and DM Baijnath Yadav of Supoul district, India
- 4:02 AM
The mother nature has something different plant than we know. She also has the soft corner for these creepiest Animals. The tvNepali has collected 14 of the creepiest animals in the world. Dogs are friend to humanity. Due to its loyalty and friendly behavior demands of dogs are increasing all over the world. Many of dogs breeds are too much expensive to normal income people. In the Kathmandu price of dogs are increasing day by day. Here we have made list of expensive dog breed on Kathmandu. However, once rice is chilled, its starch becomes what’s referred to as ‘resistant starch’, that the body cannot digest. this implies it’s not enclosed within the calorie count. The vegetable oil stops the cold rice from protrusive along, and conjointly appears to provide additional resistant starch within the rice, more reducing the amount of calories. Food somebody Dr SAM Agatha Christie explains: ‘The oil could also be providing a barrier to the boiling water, fastness down the preparation of the rice. The result seems to be a less digested style of rice containing additional resistant starch.’ These square measure, she warns, preliminary findings. However, this might be rattling news for dieters. however don’t forget, reheating rice will result in malady
- 3:58 AM
Government’s introduction of free visa and free ticket policy for Nepalis seeking employment in Malaysia and some countries in the Gulf, many migrant workers going to these countries are still forced to pay more than the required amount as processing fee. Furthermore, Nepali migrants aspiring to work in Malaysia are being fleeced by making them pay extra charges in the name of providing services like a controversial biometric medical check-up system. The biometric screening is a fingerprint scanning system with security features to match an individual’s identity with the data recorded in the passport. As per the system, Nepali migrants flying to Malaysia to work are supposed to undergo biometric screening for Rs 4,500 each, an increment from the earlier Rs 2,600 for the same. To add much financial burden on Nepali migrants aspiring for employment in Malaysia, another system–MiGRAMS–a foreign workers centralized management system, in an attempt to make money through a channel, has been introduced in Nepal from May 1, 2016.
- 3:53 AM
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- 10:04 PM
Bhadragol is one of the most funny tv serial broadcasting in television now. All the characters look fantastic. Kumar kattel acting as Jigree who is also writer and assistant director of this episode with his partner Arjun Ghimire are the main Characters.Arjun plays as a old lazy and cheater. Kumar is a love hungry young teenager. Bhadragol is a Nepali comedy television show. Its popularity is increasing day by day. It appears on NTV. Kumar Katel and Arjun Ghimire write the show, and the director is Nepali film director Shankar Acharya.The story is based on village life. The show stars Arjun Ghimire, Kumar Katel, Shankar Acharya, C.P. Pudasaini, Manisha Thapa and Hari Niraula.Paade is the main character. Jeegri is a young crook always running after Todpeni. Cockroach is the friend of Jeegri, Bariste is father of Jeegri.When we smile, it makes people around us feel good about themselves and cheers them up instantly. Not only does a smile have a magnetic effect on souls hovering about, but it has a positive effect on those who smile. It makes us optimistic. It makes the world around us a better place to live in. A smile is an upward curve in our face; it definitely reflects happiness. It is warm and welcoming. It makes us approachable thereby making others feel at ease. Smiles just require one to use two of his facial muscles.
- 9:53 PM
ताप्लेजुङ । खराब मौसमकै कारण पर्यटकीय जिल्ला ताप्लेजुङस्थित सुकेटार विमानस्थल डेढ महिना अघिदेखि पूर्णरुपमा अवरुद्ध हुँदा हवाई यात्रु मारमा परेका छन् । वर्षात्को समयमा दिनहुँजसो हुस्सु लाग्ने भएकाले डेढ महिना अघिदेखिनै उडान पूर्णरुपमा बन्द हुँदा आन्तरिक तथा बाह्य पर्यटक हवाई यातायातबाट वञ्चित भएका छन् ।
विमानस्थल कालोपत्रे भएपछि नियमित उडान हुनेमा स्थानीय ढुक्क भए पनि हिमाली जिल्ला भएकाले मौसममा आइरहने खराबीका कारण नियमित नहुँदा उनीहरु मारमा परेका हुन् । गएको मङ्सिरमा कालोपत्रे गरेपछि पुसदेखि ताप्लेजुङ–काठमाडौँ सिधा उडान सञ्चालनमा आएको थियो । सो बेलादेखि नै बेलाबेलामा आउने मौसम खराबीका कारण उडान अवरुद्ध हुँदै आएकामा पछिल्लो डेढ महिनादेखि पूर्णरुपमै अवरुद्ध भएको हो
नियमित रुपमा उडानसँगै आन्तरिक तथा बाह्य पर्यटकको चहलपहल देखिएपनि डेढ महिनादेखि उडान अवरुद्ध हुँदा चहलपहल हुन छाडेको छ । ताप्लेजुङस्थित नेपाल वायु सेवा निगमका स्टेसन इन्चार्ज विकास राईका अनुसार मौसममा सुधार उडान सञ्चालमा ल्याइनेछ ।
गोमा एयरले साताको मङ्गलबार र शुक्रबार तथा तारा एयरले शुक्रबार उडान सञ्चालन गर्दै आएकामा अहिले पूर्णरुपमा नै बन्द भएका छन् । विशेष गरी कञ्चनजङ्घा हिमाल हेर्न आउने पर्यटक साथै प्रसिद्ध तीर्थस्थल पाथीभरा मन्दिरमा आउने तीर्थालुलाई समस्या देखिएको छ । २०३१ सालदेखिनै नेपाल वायु सेवा निगमले विराटनगर–ताप्लेजुङ उडान सञ्चालन गर्दै आएको थियो ।
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- 8:44 PM
काठमाडौं, १५ साउन । शिक्षक सेवा आयोगले निमावि शिक्षकको विज्ञापन गर्दा एक जनासँग सात सय रुपैयाँ दरले उठायो । समावेशीतर्फ फारम भर्नेले थप पाँच सय रुपैयाँ तिरे । एक हजार एक सय १७ पदका लागि एक लाख १६ हजार तीन सय ४० जनाले आवेदन दिएका छन् ।
सात सयको दरले आठ करोड १४ लाख हुन्छ। यसमा समावेशीतर्फ फारम भर्नेहरुले तिरेको थप ५/५ सय रुपैयाँ जोडिएको छैन । परीक्षा शुल्क तिर्ने बेरोजगार युवा छन् ।निमावि तृतिय तहका एक शिक्षकले २३ हजार एक सय तलब पाउँछन् । बेरोजगारले परीक्षा शुल्कबापत तिरेको रकमले एक हजार १ सय ७ निमाविका लागि शिक्षकलाई तीन महिनाको तलब खुवाउन पुग्छ ।
आयोगले यसअघि मावि तहको ६ सय ११ शिक्षक पदका लागि विज्ञापन हुँदा ४० हजारले आवेदन दिएका थिए । उनीहरुबाट पनि झन्डै तीन करोड रुपैयाँ परीक्षा शुल्क उठेको थियो । आजको कान्तिपुर दैनिकमा खबर छ
- 6:24 PM
Posted by Anup Baral JNepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba has called on President Bidya Devi Bhandari at Rastrapati Bhawan today. Leader Deuba had briefed about the latest political developments to the President Bhandari in the meeting, said leader Deuba’s aide Bhanu Deuba. Similarly, President Bhandari assured that she would not take any controversial steps as parties were found discussing from different angles regarding the formation of a new government. Leader Deuba called on the President Bhandari today, as no confidence motion registered against the incumbent government is finalizing today itself. RSSuly 29, 2016 :
- 6:15 PM
Posted by Anup Baral July 29, 2Two Nepalis were injured in a clash that erupted between youths from Nepal and India at the no-man’s land following a debate over construction of a dam by Indian authorities. Dev Narayan Yadav of Tilathi-4 and Roshan Jha of Tilathi-6 were injured after receiving stones hurled by the Indians. Among the injured, the condition of Yadav is said to be serious. It is learnt that Indian locals targeted Yadav as he had been protesting the dam constructed illegally by the Southern neighbor. The clash was ensued after local youths demolished a dam that was being constructed by India at the no-man’s land breaching international norms. Nepali youths damaged some 80 percent of the dam constructed by India.@myrepublica016 :
- 6:11 PM
Last year, Jyoti Magar grabbed the attention of audience from her dance performance on the song Dhade Biralo which was one of the main attractions of Teej festival. And this time she is coming back with a brand new song which is sung by her which will also feature Samjhana Budhathoki’s dance performance on the song. Jyoti Magar and Samjhana Budhathoki will be dancing together on the song which is releasing this week. Jyoti Magar who returned back to Nepal after a concert at various countries, she has recorded a new Teej song which is releasing this week. Kalinchowk Music Company will be releasing this video song this week which is based on Teej festival. Song is a catchy number which is sure shot to grab attention of audience as well as will get into chartbusters. Watch an exclusive shooting report of the video song right here on Canada Nepal:
- 6:07 PM
Posted by Anup Baral | July 30, 2016 :
Watch Daily Rasifal Thursday is dedicated to alleviating the bad influence of Lord S hani. The Vrat on this day is mainly observed by those people who believe in Hindu astrology. Black is the color of the day and people visit Shani shrine or Navagraha shrines. Food is only consumed once on the day. Saturday Fasting Dedicated To Hindu God Shani and Hanuman Talk about Shani or Sani to a Hindu and the first re action will be fear and then the mentioning of ill effects and troubles. Shani is dreaded by Hindus, especially by those who believe in astrology. Many people observe an Upvaas or fast to avoid the adversities and misfortunes on Shanivar or Saturday. It is believed that those who have the blessing of Lord Hanuman are protected from the wrath of Shani. Therefore many people make it a point to worship Hanuman at home or in temples. Black is the preferred color on Thursday. Shani, one of the Navagrahas, is worshipped in numerous temples and there are also temples exclusively dedicated to Sani. Devotees who are observing Shanivar Vrat usually visit Shani shrines. Black colored items like sesame til, sesame oil, black clothes, and black gram whole are offered to Shani. It must be noted here that the color of the idol of Shani is always black in color. Those devotees who fast on Saturday only take a single meal that too in the evening after prayers. Food prepared usually consis ts of sesame til or black gram or any other black colored food item. Salt is avoided by many on the day.Video: Find out where the planets are today! Watch Today's Daily Horoscopes published in Image Tv.
Watch Daily Rasifal Thursday is dedicated to alleviating the bad influence of Lord S hani. The Vrat on this day is mainly observed by those people who believe in Hindu astrology. Black is the color of the day and people visit Shani shrine or Navagraha shrines. Food is only consumed once on the day. Saturday Fasting Dedicated To Hindu God Shani and Hanuman Talk about Shani or Sani to a Hindu and the first re action will be fear and then the mentioning of ill effects and troubles. Shani is dreaded by Hindus, especially by those who believe in astrology. Many people observe an Upvaas or fast to avoid the adversities and misfortunes on Shanivar or Saturday. It is believed that those who have the blessing of Lord Hanuman are protected from the wrath of Shani. Therefore many people make it a point to worship Hanuman at home or in temples. Black is the preferred color on Thursday. Shani, one of the Navagrahas, is worshipped in numerous temples and there are also temples exclusively dedicated to Sani. Devotees who are observing Shanivar Vrat usually visit Shani shrines. Black colored items like sesame til, sesame oil, black clothes, and black gram whole are offered to Shani. It must be noted here that the color of the idol of Shani is always black in color. Those devotees who fast on Saturday only take a single meal that too in the evening after prayers. Food prepared usually consis ts of sesame til or black gram or any other black colored food item. Salt is avoided by many on the day.Video: Find out where the planets are today! Watch Today's Daily Horoscopes published in Image Tv.
- 6:03 PM
The chairman of Nepal Workers and Peasants Party (NWPP), Narayan Man Bijukchhe, claimed that the coalition between Nepali Congress and CPN Maoist Centre was formed with an intent to thwart elections.According to Bijukchhe, the Nepali Congress and Maoist party made efforts to pull down the KP Sharma Oli-led government as they did not want local, provincial as well as federal elections, which are required to implement the Constitution. He was speaking at an interaction with media in Bhaktapur on Wednesday,Referring to the past performance of governments led by Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal and Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba, Bijukchhe said they have not shown any glimmer of hope of performance at present also.Saying his party supported the Oli-led government as it performed well for the country and people, the top NWPP leader, added the NWPP party would decide whether to support the new government based on it performance
- 6:00 PM
Battho Manche new episode is very good to watch. It has a girl in lead role and she is beautiful with mind. Two men try to ask some questions to test her knowledge but she tricks to answer their questions. This is the brand new nepali comedy clip on youtube. The comedy series in the name Battho Manchhe is uploaded regularly by tv nepali. Actually Battho Manchhe is the term taken from Nepali language which means the man who is clever. But, this comedy clip is satirical to those who consider themselves as the Battho Manchhe. In this series of Battho Manchhe, the author wants to show that the socalled clever man actually is not clever enough but people feels irritated and agree to told him Battho Manchhe. The all rights reserved to tvnepali. Reuploading and reproduction is strictly forbidden. Embedding in websites will be heartily welcome. Please like, comment and share videos. - See more at: http://www.tajavideo.co/videos/battho-manchhe-90-nepali-heart-touching-video/#sthash.ZQJ3yWgr.dpuf
- 5:55 PM
- 9:50 PM
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- 8:59 PM
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काठमाडौं, १४ साउन-
कांग्रेस–माओवादी गठबन्धनको सरकारमा फोरम लोकतान्त्रिकलाई रोक्न संघीय समाजवादी फोरम सक्रिय छ।
१३ साउनको संघीय गठबन्धनको केन्द्रीय आन्दोलन मूल परिचालन समितिको वैठकमा फोरम अध्यक्ष उपेन्द्र यादवले फोरम लोकतान्त्रिकका अध्यक्ष विजय गच्छदारलाई सरकारमा जानबाट रोक्नुपर्ने प्रस्ताव राखेका थिए।
सो प्रस्तावमा सामान्य छलफल भए पनि निष्कर्षमा नपुगिएको बैठकमा सहभागी एक नेताले बताए। फोरम लोकतान्त्रिक सरकारमा सहभागिताको विषयमा सकरात्मक छ।
अध्यक्ष विजय गच्छदारको नेतृत्वमा नभई नेता जितेन्द्र देवको नेतृत्वमा सरकारमा सहभागी हुनेबारे छलफल चलिरहेको छ। नयाँ पत्रिका दैनिक समाचार छ।
कांग्रेस–माओवादी गठबन्धनको सरकारमा फोरम लोकतान्त्रिकलाई रोक्न संघीय समाजवादी फोरम सक्रिय छ।
१३ साउनको संघीय गठबन्धनको केन्द्रीय आन्दोलन मूल परिचालन समितिको वैठकमा फोरम अध्यक्ष उपेन्द्र यादवले फोरम लोकतान्त्रिकका अध्यक्ष विजय गच्छदारलाई सरकारमा जानबाट रोक्नुपर्ने प्रस्ताव राखेका थिए।
सो प्रस्तावमा सामान्य छलफल भए पनि निष्कर्षमा नपुगिएको बैठकमा सहभागी एक नेताले बताए। फोरम लोकतान्त्रिक सरकारमा सहभागिताको विषयमा सकरात्मक छ।
अध्यक्ष विजय गच्छदारको नेतृत्वमा नभई नेता जितेन्द्र देवको नेतृत्वमा सरकारमा सहभागी हुनेबारे छलफल चलिरहेको छ। नयाँ पत्रिका दैनिक समाचार छ।
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- 4:26 AM
“This is not your bloody area. This is our area. And you are doing recce [reconnaissance], and patrolling this area with so many people? 10 people can do patrolling. Why so many?” Angry words from an Indian Army Officer to a Chinese officer as soldiers of both sides came face to face in Ladakh in Northeast Kashmir.
“The line is very clear,” says the Chinese officer in halting English. The Indian officer replies, “This is Indian territory. You are in Indian territory.”
This is all part of a video of a tense standoff that the Army says took place more than two years ago. And though the Army says there haven’t been recent flare-ups like this, the fact remains, young men from either side tasked with holding the line are often involved in situations where frayed tempers, miscommunication and contradictory claims to territory pose a very serious threat to the overall peace between that exists between the two countries.
As the face off becomes more volatile, the Chinese officer repeats, “The line is very clear.”
The Indian Army officer counters this and wagging his finger tells his Chinese counterpart, “The line is very clear to me. It is not clear to you.”
With both sides refusing to budge an inch, Chinese soldiers form a protective cordon behind their officer preventing the Indian Army from moving forward. Indian soldiers do the same to prevent the Chinese moving closer to Indian position
“The line is very clear,” says the Chinese officer in halting English. The Indian officer replies, “This is Indian territory. You are in Indian territory.”
This is all part of a video of a tense standoff that the Army says took place more than two years ago. And though the Army says there haven’t been recent flare-ups like this, the fact remains, young men from either side tasked with holding the line are often involved in situations where frayed tempers, miscommunication and contradictory claims to territory pose a very serious threat to the overall peace between that exists between the two countries.
As the face off becomes more volatile, the Chinese officer repeats, “The line is very clear.”
The Indian Army officer counters this and wagging his finger tells his Chinese counterpart, “The line is very clear to me. It is not clear to you.”
With both sides refusing to budge an inch, Chinese soldiers form a protective cordon behind their officer preventing the Indian Army from moving forward. Indian soldiers do the same to prevent the Chinese moving closer to Indian position
- 10:03 PM
Jhapa, July 25: Two people have died and some 900 households have been displaced due to the flood in Mechi, Ninda, Biring, Kankai and Ratuwa among other rivers in Jhapa district. The deceased have been identified as Kali Bahadur Limbu, 64, of Goldhap-8 and Tekendra Khadka, 36, of Gauradaha in the district. An 18-year-old Babulal Mardi, an Indian national permanently residing in Kumarkhod-4 of the district, have been missing and are believed to have swept by the flood, according to Nepal Red Cross Society, Jhapa. The continuous rain resulting in the swollen rivers have displaced 900 households across many areas adjacent to rivers in the dstrict. The record keeping of the damages is underway, shared Nepal Red Cross Society Jhapa President Lokraj Dhakal.The rainfall in the district in the last 24 hours has been recorded at 97.40 mili mitre, it is learnt.Jhapa, July 25: Two people have died and some 900 households have been displaced due to the flood in Mechi, Ninda, Biring, Kankai and Ratuwa among other rivers in Jhapa district. The deceased have been identified as Kali Bahadur Limbu, 64, of Goldhap-8 and Tekendra Khadka, 36, of Gauradaha in the district. An 18-year-old Babulal Mardi, an Indian national permanently residing in Kumarkhod-4 of the district, have been missing and are believed to have swept by the flood, according to Nepal Red Cross Society, Jhapa. The continuous rain resulting in the swollen rivers have displaced 900 households across many areas adjacent to rivers in the dstrict. The record keeping of the damages is underway, shared Nepal Red Cross Society Jhapa President Lokraj Dhakal.The rainfall in the district in the last 24 hours has been recorded at 97.40 mili mitre, it is learnt.
- 9:48 PM
- 9:44 PM
Posted by Anup Baral July 27, 2016 :Manoj Gajurel Caricaturing Narendra Modi. Comedian Manoj Gajurel.Manoj Gajurel is a Nepali Comedian/Writer/Mimic who was born on 29th of Baishakh 2031 in Khebang of Taplejung. He is one of the most successful and respected comedians in the Nepalese entertainment industry. He is well known for stand up comedy. Nepali Comedy show by Nepali comedian Manoj Gajurel.Manoj Gajurel is a Nepali Comedian/Writer/Mimic who was born on 29th of Baishakh 2031 in Khebang of Taplejung. He is one of the most successful and respected comedians in the Nepalese entertainment industry. He is well known for stand
- 9:30 PM
- 8:56 PM
Posted by Anup Baral July 27, 2016 :
The chairman of Nepal Workers and Peasants Party (NWPP), Narayan Man Bijukchhe, claimed that the coalition between Nepali Congress and CPN Maoist Centre was formed with an intent to thwart elections. According to Bijukchhe, the Nepali Congress and Maoist party made efforts to pull down the KP Sharma Oli-led government as they did not want local, provincial as well as federal elections, which are required to implement the Constitution. He was speaking at an interaction with media in Bhaktapur on Wednesday, Referring to the past performance of governments led by Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal and Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba, Bijukchhe said they have not shown any glimmer of hope of performance at present also. Saying his party supported the Oli-led government as it performed well for the country and people, the top NWPP leader, added the NWPP party would decide whether to support the new government based oFor now, the NWPP, however, would not stay in opposition, he announced. Bijukchhe accusing Maoist Chairman Dahal of double standards on national politics even though Dahal appreciated Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli as a statesman after he stepped downn it performance.
The chairman of Nepal Workers and Peasants Party (NWPP), Narayan Man Bijukchhe, claimed that the coalition between Nepali Congress and CPN Maoist Centre was formed with an intent to thwart elections. According to Bijukchhe, the Nepali Congress and Maoist party made efforts to pull down the KP Sharma Oli-led government as they did not want local, provincial as well as federal elections, which are required to implement the Constitution. He was speaking at an interaction with media in Bhaktapur on Wednesday, Referring to the past performance of governments led by Maoist Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal and Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba, Bijukchhe said they have not shown any glimmer of hope of performance at present also. Saying his party supported the Oli-led government as it performed well for the country and people, the top NWPP leader, added the NWPP party would decide whether to support the new government based oFor now, the NWPP, however, would not stay in opposition, he announced. Bijukchhe accusing Maoist Chairman Dahal of double standards on national politics even though Dahal appreciated Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli as a statesman after he stepped downn it performance.
- 8:50 PM
काठमाडौं, साउन १३- नेकपा माओवादी केन्द्रका अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डले पहिलोपटक प्रधानमन्त्री हुँदा आफूसंग पर्याप्त अनुभव नहुँदा जनचाहना अनुसार काम गर्न नसकेको बताएका छन्।
नेपालमै पहिलो पटक काखीमुनि सानो प्वाल पारी मुटुको शल्यक्रिया गरिएको जानकारी दिन ग्रीनसिटी अस्पतालले बुधबार आयोजना गरेको कार्यक्रममा प्रचण्डले पहिलोपटक प्रधानमन्त्री हुँदा आफूसंग पर्याप्त अनुभव नहुँदा जनताले इच्छाएअनुसार काम गर्न नसकेको स्विकारेका हुन् । उनले भने- पहिले अनुभवको कमी थियो, अब त्यस्तो हुँदैन ।
- 8:44 PM
While patient visited the doctor, they have a wish to become healthy as fast as doctor can. But there is a case arise on present day that, while a patient visited a doctor for recover and treatment, doctor bit the patient and make them de£”ad one. What will happen if such situation arises? What will happen when such situation being public? This situation was happened on 2015 December 29 but published on present day only after verification.
This type of crim*inal activity done by the prestigious job in ours society, Doctor in Russia, a Begloroad City. Victim person b!t once a nurse in the hospital and doctor bit that patient till the de*&ed. While facing the punches of doctor, patient di$ed after sometime.
The main reason for bi%ting a nurse by patient is a type of disease which is called ‘Manslaughter’. This type of disease can make a patient ange$rness and bit some people. But the agency of Russia published a notice that the case is not of doctors fault, but being a cri&minal activity, court will give a pun!$hment to doctor about two years prii^son life. See the video below
- 8:30 PM
KATHMANDU, July 13. Chinese police arrest 14 Nepali youth detention are. By brokers from China to work at different times that they wasted a tourist visa are illegal after the arrest.
Nivedanapachi their embassy before the local police to rescue Nepali youths had requested.
If young people are under house arrest in Beijing immigration office 8 of the province santona are two.
The Schengen southeast China near Hong Kong police arrest four are young.
Chinese law is invalid visa in mood to pay a fine videile daily, five hundred Chinese yuan.
Nepali youths to repay the amount of police kept them under house arrest
- 8:27 PM
KATHMANDU, July 13 - The Nepali company to sell foreign goods imported by many percent of profits? 20 percent, 50 percent or not satapratisataru, 7 thousand per cent. Patyaunubhaena? Sorum Go darabaramargasthita bentle the leather company.
At that same goods company operating kharcabaheka 7 thousand percent increased selling prices appears to have been. According to customs officials is not only illegal, it is very black. For, the law requires that such goods to more than 20 percent profit plus pricing possible.
This kind of pricing is evident, the company that is less than the customs value is declared by the Kingdom of cheating that threatens to rob the consumer. Bentle an example, according to customs officials at customs import price declared itself to abuse found in the law are more profit trend has become the business of reimbursing black peak.
Government monitoring of importers bentle extreme black diffused it is simply a legal way to control. That is, the government and buy such goods. While monitoring the price and the sale price declared bentlele unnatural diffused he brought a few things the government has purchased.
More than 20 percent of any other material gain eat black entrepreneurs have filed a law that the government take action against extreme price he sold himself to buy the goods clear the government had decided to be taken.
Buying, and declared customs value is very different diffused bentleka goods bought by the government, the Customs Department Director General, Shishir Kumar Ganesh said Wednesday. According to the customs bentlele announced Rs 12 million worth of various goods minimum of 48 million rupees after preliminary official assessment of the consumer nathagiun that it has been decided to buy himself. In today's Daily News Citizen.Leather shoes and goods popular international company it is the authorized distributor outlets bentleko Nepal Rs 4 thousand 6 hundred rupees a bag, since the price of that company had in customs offices announced Rs 64
At that same goods company operating kharcabaheka 7 thousand percent increased selling prices appears to have been. According to customs officials is not only illegal, it is very black. For, the law requires that such goods to more than 20 percent profit plus pricing possible.
This kind of pricing is evident, the company that is less than the customs value is declared by the Kingdom of cheating that threatens to rob the consumer. Bentle an example, according to customs officials at customs import price declared itself to abuse found in the law are more profit trend has become the business of reimbursing black peak.
Government monitoring of importers bentle extreme black diffused it is simply a legal way to control. That is, the government and buy such goods. While monitoring the price and the sale price declared bentlele unnatural diffused he brought a few things the government has purchased.
More than 20 percent of any other material gain eat black entrepreneurs have filed a law that the government take action against extreme price he sold himself to buy the goods clear the government had decided to be taken.
Buying, and declared customs value is very different diffused bentleka goods bought by the government, the Customs Department Director General, Shishir Kumar Ganesh said Wednesday. According to the customs bentlele announced Rs 12 million worth of various goods minimum of 48 million rupees after preliminary official assessment of the consumer nathagiun that it has been decided to buy himself. In today's Daily News Citizen.Leather shoes and goods popular international company it is the authorized distributor outlets bentleko Nepal Rs 4 thousand 6 hundred rupees a bag, since the price of that company had in customs offices announced Rs 64
- 8:23 PM
रामपुर (पाल्पा), १३ साउन – अविरल वर्षाले कालीगण्डकी नदीमा बाढी आउँदा नदी आसपासका ७६ रोपनी खेतमा ठूलो क्षति पुगेको छ। नदी आसपासमा रहेका खेतीयोग्य जमिन बाढीले पुरिँदा, बगाउँदा किसान चिन्तामा परेका छन्।
रामपुर नगरपालिका–१ स्थित तिलडाँडामा ४२ रोपनी, वडा नं १४ मा आठ रोपनी, वडा नं १५ मा १३ रोपनी र गजरकोटको गाडापानीमा १३ रोपनी खेतमा नदीले पूर्णरुपमा क्षति पु-याएको छ।
त्यस्तै, साँखरको बर्खेघाटका खेतमा नदीले कटान गरेको छ। एक्कासि नदीमा बाढी आएपछि खेतमा लगाएको रोपो सबै पुरिएको छ। “धान रोपेर हरियो नहुँदै बाढीले सबै खेती नोक्सान पु-यायो, वर्षदिन खाने खेती अब कसरी जीविका चलाउने भन्ने चिन्ताले सताएको छ” कृषक लक्ष्मण पन्तले भन्नुभयो।
उहाँलाई मात्रै होइन अर्का किसान ठाकुर पाण्डेलाई पनि बालबच्चा कसरी पाल्ने भन्ने चिन्ताले सताएको छ। कालीनदीको बाढी खेतमा पसेर रोपोमा क्षति पुग्दा ठूलो नोक्सान बेहोर्नु परेको छ। “किसानलाई कहिले पानी आएर नोक्सान, कहिले नआएर नोक्सान बेहोर्नु परिराखेको छ”, उहाँले गुनासो गर्नुभयो।
रामपुर–१४ का एक दर्जन जति किसानका खेत कालीगण्डकी नदीले कटान गरेको स्थानीयवासी दामोदर तिमिल्सिनाले बताउनुभयो। रासस
- 8:15 PM
Posted by Anup Baral July 27, 2016 :Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba has called on President Bidya Devi Bhandari at Rastrapati Bhawan today. Leader Deuba had briefed about the latest political developments to the President Bhandari in the meeting, said leader Deuba’s aide Bhanu Deuba. Similarly, President Bhandari assured that she would not take any controversial steps as parties were found discussing from different angles regarding the formation of a new government. Leader Deuba called on the President Bhandari today, as no confidence motion registered against the incumbent government is finalizing today itself. RSSsrc="https://www.youtube.com/embed/W7hR3U92bcI" width="738">
- 8:04 PM