डान्सप्लस‬ मा नेपालको शान ‪#‎सुशांत_खत्री‬ को धमाकेदार डान्स WATCH VIDEO

5:43 PM

In week 1 of Dance Plus 2, Piyush from team Shakti was the first one to enter in the top 6. Whereas in second week team Punit won and Ming Ma joined Piyush in top 6.The third week of Dance Plus 2 came with some surprises. Contestants has to go through four rounds. Three from judge challenges and one final showdown. Captain Dharmesh gave challenge first. Dharmesh challenged dancers to show their own style in solo performance. Dharmesh chose Shazia from team Punit, Sushant Khatri from team Shakti and Mokshda from team Dharmesh itself.Lady Singham, Shazia was the first one to perform on the stage. Shazia belongs to team Punit. Shazia mesmerised everyone with her jazz funk and hip-hop performance. Shazia turn out to be quite show starter. Shazia managed to steal points from Captain Dharmesh.We already have one contestant who already made this place in top six. now the battle goes on for the remaining 5 places. Last week’s Performances was pretty amazing and one more special thing was the film cast of movie ‘Dishoom’.Last week we saw all the three challenges thrown by our captains. As usual show started with the comic scene from Host Raghav and Varun Dhawan.Now the time comes for the performances, and Captain Dharemsh threw a challenge to dance on the ’70’s and 80’s song’. The first one to perform was FAM.O.U.S. Crew from Team Punit. Stay tuned for more updates of Dance Plus 2 and other reality shows like this.

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