Kanchanpur three hundred traffic girls READ MORE NEWS

10:59 PM

Bhimduttanagar. Kanchanpur western border police in the past three hundred more than a year, has rescued girls including.

In recent years, the western border human trafficking transit point 'is becoming. Police and Maiti Nepal's efforts in India and third countries were lured to go to the fairy women and children have been rescued borders.

Inaugurated last year, the earthquake in India and third countries Kanchanpur checkpoint Trafficking and used by the broker for the importation of Maiti Nepal, Kanchanpur said. Women's Unit of the District Police Office Kanchanpur police staff Dream Airi information provided in fiscal year 2072 ÷ 73 300 women and young Rabi this checkpoint has been saved.

Human trafficking cases were registered last year were 15. "Seven cases have been filed in the fiscal year of 2071 ÷ 72," he said "they urged the year grew much more than the past." Quake-affected districts of Sindhupalchowk, Nuwakot, Rasuwa and Jhapa, Jhapa and more, the number of women have been rescued, local police statistics showed is.

"Before saying for employment in various parts of India in different had a bigger temptation for women," police Aire, adding, "But the last time, saying New Delhi, India will be the third country to send natural brokers are active in trafficking women. '

Police said human trafficking is active in web kathamadaumdekhi to Delhi. 'Kathamadaumdekhi Delhi sector while just brokers are comfortable for human trafficking, "the source said -" hard to monitor border and jumping can be controlled to some extent trafficking. "RSS

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