Rural Life in Nepal (video)

9:06 PM

Nepal is an impoverished country whose lack of economic development is directly related to the lack of access to education. Unable to read or write, many Nepalese are unable to advance themselves beyond jobs of menial labor and subsistence agriculture.

Lack of education is a result of many factors. In general, education is neither valued nor accessible in Nepal. Most are skeptical of the usefulness of education, and even those inclined to pursue it find it difficult, if not impossible to do so. The majority of Nepalese live in small rural villages in the countryside where village schools rarely offer classes higher than the sixth grade level. Middle schools and high schools are few and far. Most children who do attend the school drop out before reaching the fifth grade, due to their inability to meet the financial requirements. The financial straits of most Nepalese force education to take a backseat to the more pressing challenges of day-to-day survival . Instead of attending school, children work or beg. Ignorant to the benefits that education would provide, the parents do not seek for their children. Thus, the cycle of poverty continues.

More recently, political instability within Nepal has plunged much of the countryside into chaos, resulting in the closure of many schools. Young people have left their homes to fight, taking with them their families last chance to climb out of poverty. Over half of Nepal’s population is under 18 years of age and with these young people so ill prepared to deal with the problems that plague their country, the future of Nepal looks bleak.Video @Rupakgajurel

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